Have you ever been so inspired by a thread on a forum it moved you to do something?
Yesterday I read Mrpike1973’s post “I Hate Thieves!!!” and witnessed other anglers digging in their wallets to help a fellow angler out of a tough spot. Gear isn’t cheap and this show of generosity moved me.
Someone in the thread had mentioned taking pictures of everything and writing important information on the back. Which gave me the idea of creating an Access database that would automate the process and can be kept on a memory stick or a cloud or any other method of storage you should choose.
I was so inspired I was able to pound out a database in just a few hours. It’s nothing fancy but it seems to do the job. With that said I’m looking for testers or critics or just someone that wants to check it out and let me know your thoughts or issues you run into and so on. But you have to have Microsoft Access to make it work.
I could also use some advice on how to make this available to those who do not have Access on their computers. That would open it up to anyone who wants to use it.
If you are interested give me your email address and I’ll email it to you. Unless we can figure out a way to post it on here for all to download.
All thoughts and ideas are welcome.