Has anyone hear driven their boat from one end of the lake to the other?

  • BoatsHateMe
    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    Looks like that would pretty much burn up a day, at least in my 50 hp 16’. It would be tough for me not to stop and fish all of the fishy looking areas. Then you gotta turn around and go back.

    I’d be interested to hear if anyone has done this and their experience.

    Central MN
    Posts: 184

    Have not but I here it is a long ride…

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Not end to end but have gone from Wakem Up narrows to Stunz Bay. In a 50 hp boat end to end if you know where you are going you could do it in a couple hours (depending on the wind). It is a great way to spend a day. But if you just wanted to fish on the other end of the lake, you would be better to trailer over to the other side of the lake. Vermilion is an awesome lake.

    West Metro
    Posts: 611

    You could make it over to one side to the under I would say in that boat 3 hours or a little less. 50 on a 16 footer I bet rips. If you stopped to fish different story. If I remember right it takes me 12min to get from the casino to niles WOT.

    The concerning part is when you get to big bay. I would plan for a clam day.

    Posts: 527

    You could make it over to one side to the under I would say in that boat 3 hours or a little less. 50 on a 16 footer I bet rips. If you stopped to fish different story. If I remember right it takes me 12min to get from the casino to niles WOT.

    The concerning part is when you get to big bay. I would plan for a clam day.

    i enjoy clam days also

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17351

    Since i’m planning my first few visits this summer hop in with me. We will get from end to end and side to side. Then we will fish. grin

    Posts: 4941

    The wind would play a big factor, the large bays get whipped up and can be difficult to cross in a large boat.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Yes, we’ll basically. Pike bay to head o lakes resort. I had a 16’ 40hp at the time and would literally have to stop at every gas station along the way. In the 90’s it was about $2.75 /gallon on the lake if memory serves me right. We didn’t fish hardly at all. Mostly bar to bar. We would do this without GPS. You remember tree lines, towers, and cabins to find your way thru espically narrows.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5989

    Next time bob go around all the islands too!

    Posts: 1890

    Not sure how far of a trip that is but 80ish miles in a day running my tiller is enough for me. The gf and I ran from Grand rapids to Brainerd a few years ago in 1.5 days. We ran 100 miles the first day and 70 the next.

    Not sure if you run portable tanks but I have a few extra tanks that I rarely use if you wanted to borrow them and carry enough fuel.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Next time bob go around all the islands too!

    All 365? I’ve spent a lot of nights on whiskey island.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    I get about 30-32 mph out of my rig but being a tiller I’d get tired of that soon. The gas would be a problem, especially round trip. I’d be more inclined to want to do it in my buddy’s 620 ranger that does about 60.

    I think I might creep down to the narrows from Norwegian Bay at least.

    Posts: 749

    Close to end to end. From the end of Pike bay, into Armstrong and Mud, then to the other end to troll/scout Norwegian bay, finally back to the end of Pike bay where we were staying.
    All with stops in between. We were pre-fishing a tourney. Put 100 miles on the boat in a couple days. It was a fun weekend.

    This was in my 175 T-Pro with a 150 4S at a faster cruising speed (36-38) between spots, not WOT. I wouldn’t be able to afford WOT.

    Then again, I like to cruise that lake. Have even done a trip from the end of Pikes bay near the river to fish Stuntz and back in a 14′ Lund with a 15hp. Good times.

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