has anyone ever sharpened mora ice auger blades with success? or where i get

  • minnesota outdoors north
    Excelsior, mn.
    Posts: 12

    mine sharpened near western suburbs of mpls… I have watched a few videos on youtube and a few have done an excellent job with 600 grit up to 3000 grit wet/dry auto sandpaper…do not want to spend 40.00 if I can help it, iam cheap… what has this group done>


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    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    It’s all in the pitch. They can be razor sharp, but the wrong pitch will make the m act like a butter knife in concrete. I always used a honing stone to touch up and never run them dull

    Posts: 1811

    Never ever bounce them on the ice, sure way to screw up the pitch.

    Posts: 2123

    I went to my local hardware store and spent $15, $40 seams a little expensive.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    I’ve had temporary success touching blades up with one of those hand-held blade sharpeners. I consider this touch up only while out on the ice and doesn’t replace getting new or professionally sharpened blades. This has helped my day out from time to time; just be careful or you end up looking like this:

    1. ouch.jpg

    Posts: 1046

    I used this on my Mora hand drill before I bot my Ion.

    1. image-2.jpeg

    Troy Hoernemann
    Nevis mn
    Posts: 163

    Too sharp sharping service
    IF I remember correctly they are in st cloud but by the time you pay for shipping it was about 20$ depending on you location might be able to drop them off.
    I’ve seen some bait shops around do an exchange system you give them your old and and they give you a sharp set for a price its been a while since I’ve done that I think it costed 15$

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    I used this on my Mora hand drill before I bot my Ion.

    Tried one of those once. Maybe I did it wrong but when I got done it would not cut at all.

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1603

    That’s because they take shavings from both sides of the blade, if the bottom isn’t perfectly flat you might as well try kicking thru the ice.

    Troy Hoernemann
    Nevis mn
    Posts: 163

    Was filling up with gas after work at a t&m gas station in Nevis MN and the have blades for exchange 14.99$ 8″and 6″

    Posts: 181

    I was thinking about a mora to lazer conversion. Does anyone make one in an 8″?

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