Went down to Harlan all day today, first time I’ve been there since April 07. I just can’t believe the water down there -it’s over the jetties at Gremlin!
Went out on some breaks and saw an absolute ton of fish from 20 to 45 FOW. Couldn’t get any to cooperate, but I do need to be more patient with slabbing. I just stink at it so much I just hate to do it ;I’ve got absolutely no confidence in it. I tried a few other things and finally hit the dam, and you should have seen the shad on the dam. There were many times today when I was in 15 FOW but the graph said 5′ because of the lines of shad in the water, just crazy. I tossed some jigs at the dam and it wasn’t long before I had a nice fish just take me deep and away from the dam. Turned out to be a…..4 1/2lb channel. About 10 minutes later, I got a nicer fish….a 7lb channel. Then a 15″ whitey, then another 7lb channel. These fish would tag the jig and just go down with it, which was fun on a light Fish Eagle II rod. That was it for the day. Tried to troll through the bait, couldn’t get anything going.
I snagged 4 shad today too, and they were all 5-6″ long. Right before dark, the shad were amazingly thick all over the face of the dam. Lake was like glass, and you could see shad surfacing as far out as 40-50 yards. There were pockets in the rocks that were just silver because of all the shad up on top.
So….don’t you think there would be some walleyes around those areas too, even though they were big shad? It was an amazing day to be out, and I had water that was 53-55 degrees, but I was sure expecting a better outcome.