Harlan – 5.3′ below full pool

    Posts: 39

    Fished there this morning and caught 10 wipers and 8 whites. Nice time and great to still see all that water.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Is there any word on how much of our quota to Kansas has been fufilled so far? Hopefully it will be all taken care of this year so we can get back to normal in that part of the state next season.

    Holdrege, Ne
    Posts: 48

    I talked to my boss recently on this matter and if he is not mistaken our quota is huge. Almost the entire lake of harlan right now. 200,000 acre feet. I believe this is planned to be drawn out over a few years. While Colorado also has to release a drawn out amount of water to us. What impact will this have on are lakes I don’t know, but the lakes out west should be doing good while we try to maintain harlans water levels. If you have any questions I would be happy to look for the answers.

    If I am wrong please let me know.

    The mud puddle in western Ks
    Posts: 347

    The Republican lakes look better but Mac on the Platte is still way to low.Dropping somethinthing like a foot a week.And the inflow from the west sucks.I almost think you could walk across the river at Oshkosh and not get your socks wet.

    The mud puddle in western Ks
    Posts: 347

    Don’t know what happened west over the weekend but the water is up in Oshkosh and Lewellen.Still pulling water hard though.Don’t really know if they opened some gates upstream or if they just had good rain.Maybe it will slow the fall in the lake level at least.

    Posts: 39

    Harlan is up another .4 feet in the last few days and climbing still. Getting bigger all the time. Plus it has rained quite nicelly down stream of Harlan adding a nice wall of water to Kansas for future credit or whatever it is we need to give them. I think the cut off for water was yesterday for last year but either way we are going to owe them water again so no matter what, more water for Kansas and our lake is still climbing.

    Posts: 123

    1st time in my 7+ yrs of commuting between York and GI that I haven’t seen a pivot running on August 1st. 1st time in those 7+yrs that the Platte has this much water running down it too. (mental note: find breast waders for this falls hunting)

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914


    I haven’t seen a pivot running on August 1st.

    Yup, I’ve been noticing that as well. I’m diggin it!

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Glad to hear that part of the state is doing good with rain. Here in Hickman and around the Lincoln area we have had very little. Most of the corn around here is dry land corn and it’s not looking good. We sure could use an inch or two.

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    6″ of rain in Kearney yesterday and they got a bunch out west too

    The mud puddle in western Ks
    Posts: 347

    Not much in the panhandle .Sprinkles to less than an inch.Wyoming got good rain in places.

    Holdrege, Ne
    Posts: 48

    200,000 arce feet a year to kansas, last I heard they still need 40,000 arce feet. But the water dosn’t need to come out of harlen alone. It just needs to rain.

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