Today my gf Sara and I took the dog with us in the Crestliner down to Harlan. Had the entire lake to ourselves, which I really wasn’t expecting. We were going to hit the canal again, but the rains made the roads there a mess I was told by walleye4 and Chad Mayer, so we decided to head south. We didn’t have a great day, but it wasn’t a complete loss either. Mainly just jigged out in the front of the dam….that’s the only place we could find any fish. I was pretty sure there wouldn’t be much on the drops and stuff like that in certain areas, but I went around and checked anyway, and I was right -no fish anywhere, but the dam. So we spent the day in front of the dam and it was work trying not to get blown into it. Wasn’t blowing real hard, but it would come up, go back down, come up, etc…..kind of a pain. But I jigged crawlers and minnows, and caught one flatty on a minnow, and caught two more on crawlers. Don’t believe I’ve ever caught a flatty there before. They were only about 1 1/2 lbs (maybe), but sure were fun on light gear. Then I nailed a nice fat 20 1/2″ walleye on a jig/crawler in about 20′. I started tossing jigs on the rocks and got a nice white bass on the first cast, then a while later got another nice fat walleye, this one went 17 3/4″, so he went back.
Water down there was 49-50 degrees, so things could turn on real soon, depending on this wild weather.
March 26, 2007 at 4:48 am