Happy Veterans Day

  • Don Carlisle
    Aitkin mn
    Posts: 357

    Happy Veterans Day tp all veterans out there. Thank you for your service…

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6696

    Happy Veterans Day tp all veterans out there. Thank you for your serviceā€¦

    K102 is doing a donation event for an organization getting service dogs for vets and first responders. The guy running it is a Veteran that almost took his own life, but with the help of a service dog is doing much better. The event runs through today I think.

    Thanks you to all Veterans!

    Posts: 24516

    I know there are many who have served and a giant THANK YOU to every one of you!

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 1930

    first thank you and thanks to all the other Vets out there!!! Semper Fi!!

    if you are by a Coborns they are giving to all Vets a 2 piece chicken dinner from the deli!!

    also Super one is giving all Vets a free 12 inch pizza!

    lots of other deals out there too!!!

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4078

    I went to Iraq twice with the 1st Infantry Division. I don’t say that to make it about me, I say it for context. What we did wasn’t always easy. And from the start it really made me realize that if what we were going through was rough, what others before us went through must’ve been much worse, without some of the creature comforts we had, being able to e-mail home, call every once in awhile, get things from home shipped, etc.

    Which is why I say to any vets who came before me, thank you so much because I couldn’t imagine what it was like for you. Desert Storm, Vietnam, Korea, any remaining WWII vets, etc. And I know there are plenty on here who have relatives who served in these eras. Please, please convey my gratitude to them. Tell them some guy on this outdoor forum knows a little bit about being deployed to a combat zone and he can’t imagine what you/they had to do, and he’s extremely grateful, and that those veterans of the past kept making things better for those who still serve today.

    applause applause applause applause applause applause applause

    Posts: 3411

    Thank you to all who served!! bow

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4299

    Thanks to all Vets for your service. applause

    Hard Water Fan
    Posts: 1092

    Thank you to all that have served!

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 215

    Happy Veterans Day to all who served, especially those who served with me in Vietnam. I was an Army helicopter pilot and would do it all over again. Our duty was to do everything we could to help our 11 Bravo infantrymen (the grunts) who were our heroes. Everyone who served had a job to do and we all did it well.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    Thank you to all of you that have served. We owe so much to you.

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