Happy Independence Day.

  • robby
    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2849

    Happy Independence Day Americans! Our Nation’s greatest holiday, brought to you by armed Citizens!

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Happy Independence Day from my boys, Fritz and Remi! We hope you all have a wonderful and safe celebration! 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇸

    And thank you to all of the brave men and women in uniform who sacrifice so much so that we may enjoy and celebrate our freedoms.


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    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2849

    I love this! Thank you. Enjoy Our Day!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    Happy birthday America. It’s my favorite holiday of the year. We have 2 smoked pork butts shredded already, did a all day smoke on them yesterday and have 8 racks on now. Cowboy beans ready to get smoked and 5 pounds of home made Mac and cheese.

    I love blaring proud patriot type music today starting with Toby Keith happy birthday America

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Happy Fourth!
    I got my new flagpole in just in time!

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    Don Carlisle
    Aitkin mn
    Posts: 363

    Happy 29th birthday to bearcat!!!

    Buffalo Fishhead
    Posts: 310

    Happy birthday America. It’s my favorite holiday of the year. We have 2 smoked pork butts shredded already, did a all day smoke on them yesterday and have 8 racks on now. Cowboy beans ready to get smoked and 5 pounds of home made Mac and cheese.

    I love blaring proud patriot type music today starting with Toby Keith happy birthday America

    I’m thinking Bearcat knows how to celebrate!!

    Stay safe.

    Buffalo Fishhead

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    Happy 29th birthday to bearcat!!!

    Thank you sir, lol I’m going to roll with that 29 idea. I like that.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    Happy birthday America. It’s my favorite holiday of the year. We have 2 smoked pork butts shredded already, did a all day smoke on them yesterday and have 8 racks on now. Cowboy beans ready to get smoked and 5 pounds of home made Mac and cheese.

    I love blaring proud patriot type music today starting with Toby Keith happy birthday America

    I’m thinking Bearcat knows how to celebrate!!

    Stay safe.

    Buffalo Fishhead

    If the damn rain would stop we could really get the party going. The neighbors have all been stopping over this morning asking me what the great smells are coming from the drive way.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    Happy Independence Day!
    Thank you too those who fought for our freedom. toast

    Posts: 3319

    Happy Independence Day everyone.
    Thanks and God Bless all who served. bow

    Posts: 6688

    Happy Birthday America toast

    1. PXL_20220704_215107783.MP_-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 354

    Never imagined fireworks being set off a block from my house here in St. Louis park, darn good too… I’m thankful my relationship with my ex is as good as it gets, she came over & we watched from my yard.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Happy day after Independence Day!

    I was lucky enough to be invited to Ft Snelling with a couple of friends.
    Besides tours though each building with folk explaining what the building was used from from 1820 to it’s decommission, they had a marching band with a 21 gun salute and of course a cannon firing.

    If a person forgot the Fort is in the middle of a metro area and thought about it being the only place in the area besides Indian camps, it really makes a person see how cushy we have it today. The Fort needed to be self sufficient in every way.

    Later on, in the summer, steamboats were the only way to get supplies to last them the winter months. One of the buildings had 4 levels (3 under ground) that held the supplies. Leather workers made and repair boots, a wheel write made wagon wheels and of course at black smith were some of the trades practice there.

    No one said Happy July 4th…everyone said Happy Independence Day.

    If you have a interest in History, this is a very good way of spending an afternoon.

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    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2849

    Never imagined fireworks being set off a block from my house here in St. Louis park, darn good too… I’m thankful my relationship with my ex is as good as it gets, she came over & we watched from my yard.

    Beautiful! I have a good relationship with my Ex-Wife also. Friends forever I pray.

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