Handline Weights

  • MikeV
    Posts: 104

    Where does everyone buy their handling weights?

    I have some of the Riviera 1 1/4lbs weights but I’m looking for different sizes. To be fair, I haven’t called riviera yet to see if he makes others.

    I’ve been thinking of pouring but haven’t found a readily available mold and don’t really want to pay to have molds made.

    Last year I scrapped over 1,000lbs of lead. I’m starting to accumulate more lead again and figure it’s time to put some to good use.

    eastern iowa
    Posts: 362

    Four seasons bait shop in red wing has them. I know evert’s in Hager city did, not sure if they still do. Or hutch’s tackle out of praise du chain can get them for u.

    Posts: 516

    Made my own molds out of wood. Worked well. Pretty simple not the prettiest but very functional.

    Posts: 6687

    Made my own molds out of wood. Worked well. Pretty simple not the prettiest but very functional.

    Yes this.

    If your ever selling lead, be sure to post it on ido. Lots of us pour lures

    Posts: 104

    Thanks. I might try the mold out of wood.

    I may will sell or trade the latest batch of lead instead of scrapping if I don’t use it. I only have about 150lbs right now with more on the way. It’s old underground water lines.

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