#2,4,6,8,1/0 hooks. Plain/nickel colored or red, some luck on chart. Had good luck with the VMC double barbs for keeping lively minnows on.
4#,6#,8# sufix siege mono(similar to XT) I prefer it for its suppleness. IMO mono is better for lindys than flouro, lets bait swim more freely, especially with crawlers/leeches and more importantly doesn’t sink like flouro. Save the flouro for spinner rigs.
1/8,1/4,1/2,3/4 lindy weights. IMO uncolored is better.
Red, glow, chart. beads, few sizes don’t get to crazy. I usually fish without but sometimes it makes a difference.
Snap swivels/barrel swivels, whatever’s on sale. Tie directly to snap/swivel, don’t pretie with a loop knot, or take pre rigged, cut the knot and tie, sensitivity makes a difference and personally haven’t had luck with loop knots.