I gave them to my step dad. I would of pickled them, but my brother has smoked them and were good. I’ve also left the skin on and grilled them and were good. Smallies are good grilled.
Pickled bass? Gotta be the Norsk coming out in you.
I’d ask how its hangin but you’ve been spearing so I know the answer would be wet. In light of that, how have you been?
GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! bummer though, i’m done with spear chuckin as the season closes this sunday. busy working as usual. and get this…….pretty much a hard core plastics user too!!!!!!!!!! who woulda thunk it!!!!!!!
Glenn, did you do something to whizz Dutchboy off and he plowed your birdfeeder in for retaliation??
Yea I don’t know what I did!!!
Maddogg, I got a call from him this morning. He got the big 750 wheeler stuck in the swamp already. He asked if he could use my snowmobile. He says now he got himself a 4 Lane highway on the lake.