Dear Ma Nature

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Thank you for all the wonderful snow and moisture we had last fall & winter. I’d also like to thank you for the 7+ inches of rain we have received prior to today. I am kindly requesting you give us a break now. We may be able to plant corn sometime around July 4th. Thanks listening to my request….

    Posts: 731

    Yes, I know asking for less rain is always risking calling down a whole heap of bad ju-ju, but…

    This is getting a little crazy.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I was finally able to get into the plots at home last night and get them worked up. Hoping to plant this week. Not now, it’s gonna be another week. Fortunately I am planting all beans at home this year so I can wait a little longer

    Posts: 731

    My uncle has 1600 acres of corn and beans and he always says that what happens in the spring matters way less than what happens in the summer. His observations are that during good summer growing conditions with sun and moisture, crops and conservation plantings can easily make up for late planting date.

    He also has a good point in that seed germination is driven by soil temps, so even if you could plant in January, that doesn’t give you a head start because the seeds are just going to sit there until the soil temps are right.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    That is true, but if I am planting 110 day corn it’s too late now. It will not be able to mature before temps start to cool and the amount of sunlight starts to drop.

    I am a little nervous about my plots up north. I got the seed in on May 2nd. As of last weekend nothing had germinated. The corn seed will be fine and will pop when the temp gets right. The bean seed however will rot in the ground if it doesn’t germinate soon enough.

    Fortunately, yesterday I was able to acquire and additional 4 bags of RR beans seed from MDHA, so if my beans seed up north rots in the ground I can still replant.

    Posts: 731

    My father lives 5 miles form my property and his digital rain gauge has 2.7 inches from the rain Monday afternoon into early Tues morning.

    We were out working on the property on Sunday and we got a new gate installed on Sunday. The ground is very wet almost everywhere. We’re trying to avoid cutting ruts on our road in, but it’s hard as every low spot is soggy as all getout.

    And man oh man are the mozzies and ticks going to be NASTY this year. Bring your gallon jug of Muskol or Deep Woods Off. You’re gonna need it.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I was able to get my plots in at home on Monday just before we got rain.

    Driving to Mille Lacs on weekends I feel sorry for the farmers up that way. Man there is water everywhere

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