Brassica as a cover crop

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I have a plot that is clover now. It’s 5 years old and starting to get pretty weedy. I tried a light dose of round up on the clover last year and that helped but the weeds came back again.
    This summer I am going to turn the clover and plant brassica to use up some of the nitrogen the clover has made. I was hoping to go back to clover for next year in this plot.

    Has anyone ever used brassica as a cover crop for fall planted clover? Would this work? I have used rye as a cover crop for fall planted clover in the past, but just haven’t heard of brassica as a cover crop.

    Scott Mueller
    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 125

    I guess if it was me i’d kill it off now and re-seed,i just sprayed monday on mine and am going to re plant

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Question for you on the Rye. Dad said our small plot of Rye was extremely hard to disc up compared to everything else this spring. He had to hit is several times. Ever notice this in your area? I suspect not given the pristine pics I’ve see, which I’m still jealous of…

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I can’t answer that. The only time I have used rye is as a cover crop for fall planted clover. The next summer it dies and lays over and I just leave it as mulch for the clover.

    Now I have planted buckwheat and disced that in and yes it is a pain if you don’t mow it first. The long stems take a few passes to cut up with a disc. If you can mow it first it will disc in a lot easier.

    Menomonie Wi.
    Posts: 260

    I tried Brassicas and wasn’t impressed, I prefer winter wheat and wildlife just hammer it.

    Posts: 67

    Question for you on the Rye. Dad said our small plot of Rye was extremely hard to disc up compared to everything else this spring. He had to hit is several times. Ever notice this in your area? I suspect not given the pristine pics I’ve see, which I’m still jealous of…

    I assume you are talking about rye grass? Rye grain should not be a problem to get rid of.

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