Help — Do I plant or wait???

  • fish_any_time
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    If you decide to go i’d be wearing some blaze orange.

    Good luck should you decide to go.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    It could be really good. You might want to have minnows and slow down your presentations. Good luck!


    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    I think I mentioned it before, but get some large minnows and hook them in the lips and put a split shot three feet down the line. Drag it real slow in the deep holes. The outside bends of the river and such!

    Good Luck!

    Posts: 1282

    Should I use a steal leader going for pike with that method?

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    I was thinking more for smallies, I don’t fish much for pike in the rum. I would give it a shot without first. I was out for 4 hrs on Friday and only got one small pike, but put a few smallies in the boat.

    Posts: 1282

    Thanks for the info!

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    Here are a few from last Friday. Nothing huge but they put up a great fight and these fish are just heavy no matter the length.

    Posts: 1282

    nice fish! just using the minnows?

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    One of those was caught on a tube along with several smaller ones, but the minnows seem to put more fish in the boat.

    Posts: 2389

    Been very dry here in the EC area for the last… well, all summer. Topsoil is about 8″ of powder fluff dirt when I go to disc it up.

    I plan on planting oats.

    There isn’t a drop of rain in the forecast.

    Optimally, if I had rain I’d be planting about now…

    With all this dry weather, do I plant now or do I wait until we get some moisture? If I wait, how long do I give it???

    Any helpful input is appreciated!

    Central WI.
    Posts: 343

    Not sure there is a right answer. I live 1 hr. east of Eau Claire so I am in the same precip. situation. I planted a small turnip/brassica plot a week ago Saturday and have had no rain since. I figured the seed will be there when/if we get some rain. I would say plant it. Oats are not an expensive seed so if it works great, if not then there is not a lot lost. Just my 2 cents.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    same here, but I chopped the corn and planted brassica over the weekend. The deer need some food over the winter so I gambled and planted and am hopeful for rain soon.

    Posts: 731

    I’d say it’s a shot in the dark. It’s powder dry in most places in MN and WI right now.

    Ideal situation would be to go out there and put it in right before the next rain, but when is that???

    Also, I’d say you’re going to have to get lucky and hook several rains in quick succession or the oats are going to sprout and then get burned up. It’s so dry now that it’s going to take many inches of rain to get the soil hydrated again so that any young plant with a shallow root can survive.


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