
  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13892

    Last years drought really screwed up my biggest plot. I have 3 acres split into 5 rows. Anyways, the corn sprouted and never matured, and everything else looked like the desert until late summer. They wind casted a ton of fox tail grass seed and that took and went to seed before I could do anything with it. So, my dad wanting to help brush hogged the entire plot to get the corn stalks down to decay. Now that I have a ton of foxtail seed on the ground, wondering if I should burn it in lieu of raking it up and discarding. I know I’ll still need to poison it off twice this year to salvage it. It was sickening hyow much crap weeds grew with NO RAIN and went to seed.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    Are you going to have enough mass there to get it hot enough to take care of it?

    You could spray it this spring once things start growing. Wait for it to start dieing and then disc the field. Wait for new growth, disc again and then depending on what your going to do this year with use a pre emergence herbicide.

    That should take care of the weeds long enough to get your crop established and enough growth to choke out the compitition.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    It wouldnt let me edit my last post.

    I would get dual II magnum. I just looked at the label it will take care of fox tail.

    Use this as a pre-emergence and should take care if it for the season.

    It is expensive but you dont have to use much.

    The off brand isĀ  Me-too-Lachlor II but you will have to use more as it is less effective at the standard rate for dual.

    Posts: 1009


    It just all depends on what you plant..

    If your going corn or beans I would leave it alone and just spray.. depending on your soil the ash from the burn could help or hurt ya!

    corn or beans I personally wouldnt wast the time and effort to burn it.. you can control it with spray~!

    the burn wont kill the seeds anyway! i’ll just make more stuff grow that has been in the ground for years!

    The guN

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