Fall plot status check?

  • flatlandfowler
    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    That time of year again.

    So where is every one at with their fall plots? Many years I planted the first or second weekend of August here in scmn. Last year I jumped the gun with a dry summer, planted last weekend of July. Got no rain and no germination. With the weather pattern looking like a replication of last year I put one property in a week n a half ago. And the other property last weekend.

    Got about 4 acres of fall planted plots this year utilizing chicory, purple top turnips, tillage radishes, kale, rape seed, winter rye, and winter wheat.

    What are you guys up to? What are you guys planting this year? How is it going/when are you planting, and are you putting in anything new to you or new ideas?

    Posts: 2998

    got mine done last week I planted a bunch of biologic products. Getting some rain now!

    Central MN/SJU
    Posts: 241

    planted 12 days ago…..all new plots….right after 3 inches of rain..praying for great things

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Heading up to the farm tomorrow night to mow down the buckwheat, till it and some urea in, then plant brassica. I have had great luck the last few years with evolved harvest shot plot, so I am sticking with that in the 3 fall plots.

    Central WI.
    Posts: 343

    Put in some of Fleet Farms Elite clover and chickory 2 weeks ago. Came in great for me last year. It has a starter fertilizer on it which I think helps alot with germination. Come on RAIN!


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    We have a small 1/2 acre spot we plan to put into winter wheat. Hopefully in the next 10 days depending on Dad’s schedule.

    I’m finally sitting down and making a real plan. It will start in 2013. I found a seed company who has some interesting blends I’m gonna try. I don’t want to put the cart in front of the horse, but I’m already looking forward to 2013 planting. It can’t be any worse than 2012, can it….

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1091

    Rain is supposed to be on the way, so my buddy is putting in some rye up near Bemidji as I type this. Our other plots are doing really well. Can’t wait to get up there in two weeks and get some stands in the air.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    Planted our second plot field this last weekend (8/4). Had 1/2-inch of rain on Friday night, planted Saturday and had 2/10 of an inch Saturday night. Hopefilly, no drought this year. I planted Shot Plot this past weekend. We have had real good luck with this seed and Fall planting. Only problem is that the deer usually trim it down before it gets to full development. They love the stuff!
    I also mowed the Biologic Clover plots this past weekend and then relocated three camers to a few buck trails (not on the plots anymore). We’ll see what is traveling where now.

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    We got a few tenths a little over a week ago and then 1 1/4″ on Friday night. Took a quick glance on Sunday afternoon and the plots have all germinated and started to sprout. A few more timely showers and all should be well.

    Maybe some pics in a few weeks? I know I try and let every thing sit before season for a few weeks. However, I know I have to move cams atleast once so I will try and get some pics. Hope you guys have great success with your fall plots and post some pics if you get a chance

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