
  • willy_d
    Nipawin, Saskatchewan, Canada
    Posts: 97

    Not a big crop(cash or food plot) here in Saskatchewan. I have never seen or heard of any. I am just wondering what type of land(heavy/light), any specific kind of bean, fertilizer,planting and so on. I generally travel to WI at Easter so I can pick up at local seed Co-op or wherever.Just need so insite,planning for next year now,i have access to some more acres and just deciding what I am going to try.

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    If you have acreage then they are an awsome option as there ntrient levels are thru the roof while green and after they dry the grain has drawing power like that of corn. I know you can get bean that will give you decent production in as little as 55 days of growing season, that said these varieties are not very browse resistant until almost mature, how bigof plots? Balancing the soil is going to be your first set, take soil tests now and get the results so you know what you need to do to maximize you time and moneys involved with the plots, soil tests are cheap in the over all spectrum of polts

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