Holy weeds batman

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I got up to the Farm Thursday night just in time to grab a couple trial cams and take quick look at a couple plots. I could tell right away I had my work cut out for me the next morning.

    I have never waited this long to spray after planting and now I know why. I had good corn in 3 plots, almost waist high, but the weeds were even higher. I ended up having to backpack spray all the corn due to weed and plant height.

    The beans were doing very well too, but again very heavy weeds in those plots. I was able to use the ATV sprayer on these plots but hit them with a hot dose and slowed down my speed a little to help get spray down to the lower weeds through the top layer of weeds. Heading back mid July to give them a second dose if needed.

    All in all the plots are all in great shape other than the weeds. Corn waist high and dark green, beans about a foot high with good plant count. Clover was thick and tall and flowering so that all got clipped. Buckwheat plots that will be turned and planted in brassica in August were very thick, flowering, and about 3′ high. Things look good just hoping I get a good burn down. Not going to wait this long ever again

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