Well, the struggle continues… why wouldn’t it. But hey, Mother Nature has lost her marbles and Im growing paranoid about my fall plots. So after the exceedingly wet year in my area, we have found our selves in a sudden drought. I planted my fall plots 18 days ago and it hasn’t rained once. In order to try and save a few ‘favorite fall plot stands,’ the battle begins again.
Drug out the 300 gallon tank tonight. Along with the generator, hose, extension cords, and sump pump. There is no way I can effectively water 5 acres of fall plots, but I am making a dash to ensure some solid growth in a few places. Tonight I hand sprayed 300 gallons on half of a 1/2 acre turnip/radish plot. Plan to hit up a few spots this week and already have a 1000 gallon tank, with gas pump, lined up for the weekend. Its incredible, if you ever do the math, how many gallons a rainfall will drop on a single acre. Because of that I know my efforts may be futile, but I am going stir crazy waiting for rain!
P.S. Background of pic is a strip of forage sorghum that we use to hide our ground blind in between the fall plot and corn. This years growth is not as tall as last years, but still a good 8-9ft and producing heads now.