Food plot is in!

  • scottb.
    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014

    I just got my food plot in this past weekend. This plot is a mixture of 45% turnips with the balance a mixture of clover, chicory and winter wheat.

    I like the mix because it will provide a good plot next spring and summer before I replant with turnips again next august. Now I have my fingers crossed for rain tonight and later this week.

    Now all I have left is to plant my winter wheat inside the corn rows!

    I will post a few pictures later. I had to get the chainsaw out to get the bigger tractor in, this is a plot that Pat helped me with last year. Thanks again Pat! :wave

    This plot is about 1/4 to 1/2 acre in a 5 acre open grassy area. This year I mowed trails like spokes on a wheel leading from the woods in 5 locations that trails entered the grassy field that now lead directly to the food plot. After mowing the day before, there were already a bunch of tracks using the newly mowed trails!

    Posts: 6441

    Sounds good Scott ! I can’t wait to see pics !

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    That sounds like a nice recipe of seed that will produce year round forage . I hope you get the rain you need, a lot of us could use it .

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    That’s a great feeling when they are in and ready to sprout

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Congrats on getting it in. Sounds like you got your fall and spring bases covered.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Congrats – now sit back and watch it grow!

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014

    With last night the only possible decent rainfall coming I went out and planted my winter wheat. Perfect timing as we did get the rain that was forcasted and some of it was pretty hard which I needed since I only broadcast the winter wheat.

    That rain should have really driven the seed in and it gave my 2 week old plot some much needed rain as well!

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