Fighting back against Mother Nature

  • nick
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I replied to your other thread, and sent you a pm, get back to me, soon if you can I plan on hitting the hay soon.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    I purchased a 80 lb vantage today mounted it ran a jumper from battery 1’s negative post to battery 2;s positive post as a jumper installed the red power cable to battery #2 positive and the black negative to the negative on battery 1 and the yellow trim wire to positive on battery 1 and theres no power

    I think you have it hooked up wrong and may have sent 24 volts to your 12 volt trim/lift which is real bad if so the motor will need repair.

    Hopefully I’m not understanding you but it looks like you have 12 volts going where 24 volts is needed and 24 volts going where 12 volts is required.

    Lets hope you didn’t fry your board.

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Wow, what a terrible spring it has been! Seems like we just cant get a break from the water. Late spring, extra snow, and seemingly endless rain days has put me (and I gather many across the midwest) way behind on the food plots…. Well I finally said enough is enough. Pulled out the JD 8200 and borrowed a 6 bottom plow to turn last years matted down food plots into a black sea. Nothing taunts Mother Nature with the words of ‘stop me now!’ quite like a 200 hp front wheel assist tractor that can pull nearly 24,000 lbs! It was definitely overkill in some of areas, but I wouldn’t have wanted to be in any thing else plowing up matted down corn and forage sorhgum. Shouldn’t take long now for the sun to dry everything up.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I know a few guys who are jealous!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Whatever it takes! Good for you for getting it in. I hope the weather continues to dry the fields up this week so we can finish ours.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13892

    and I thought my Case 970 was an over kill

    22 feet up
    Posts: 632

    Nice! Makes my 2010 look like one of those kid tractors with pedals on it

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