New Plots (and/or garden area)

  • Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599

    14 Feet!!! Holy Crap thats as long as my boat

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    Hey guys, here’s a question that I have been struggling with on our land in Harmony. Any time we plant a new area, it seams like we’re fighting the button weed/burdock/nettles etc, etc that has been laying dormant for ever. Of course after we till it up it pops and goes crazy. Even with a quick growing cover like rye or oats, it still shows up. Pat mentioned in a different post that he never uses Roundup, so it that product or others really bad for new areas of land. It would seem to me anyway that if it is done soon enough it would help keep the invasive plants at bay, or at least help keep it managable.

    For the most part the areas were talking about were clear cut timber areas or old, old set aside that has never been worked.

    Thanks much

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    There are going to be different opinions on this but I would recommend tilling early, let the dorment seeds germ, hit them with a shot of roundup and come back in about 3 more weeks with another shot of roundup or 2,4D and then seed shortly after that. Remember to use a liquid ammonium sulfate with your chemicals to make them more effective

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I agree with the above. Land that hasn’t been maintained for crop will have tons of weed seed in it. It most likely will require two applications. I like the very early fall & again in mid spring to really clean house on what is there.

    I personally go a little heavier than manufacture specs, and give a two week window before planting for the chemical to dissipate. I have been using Glyphomax Plus with fantastic results, and its only a portion of the cost of Round-up.

    Here is an independant comparison of generic brands to Round-up Weed Study

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    I use the word “Roundup” for Glyphosate kind of the same way I use the word “Kleenex” for facial tissue. We acctually use a chamical by the name of Cornerstone which is a Winfield product.

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