When you are over looking a food plot or guarding a pinch point between one of your bedding areas and a food scource that you have Improved or built from scratch? For me personally I study every deer and how it moves throughout my property. I take time to look at how much differant the does move vs mature bucks. By studying this movement I try plan on what I can do to make improvements for the next year that will not only improve my odds at putting my tag on a mature buck but also give him the security he needs to live on my property all year round.
I will say it again… I have planted food plots on my property for more than 20 years, But it was only after I gave the deer the security that they needed that We consistantly have mature bucks bedded on our property all year long. Our #1 goal was to improve bedding areas, This can be done several differant ways, I mainly hinge cut trees for this part of the plan. #2 try to control how the deer move thru your property. This is very easily done with the use of some round up and a chain saw. when you clear a path that you want them to use and block paths that you don’t want them use
they usually allways choose the path you made for them.
I guess what i’m trying to say is that every time I watch a deer I try and figure out where he came from? why is he going where he is going? can I give him more security so he won’t leave my property during shooting hours? I have never seen a property that couldn’t be improved with a little work. Sorry to bore you with all of this But I know there are alot of properties that can very easily be improved with a little thought and some manual labor
Good luck on improving your property for next years hunt
November 26, 2010 at 6:27 pm