2011 Food Plot

  • Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    My good friend and hunting buddy of nearly 10 years (WalleyeHunter) bought a piece of property to build his house on and it came w/@35 acres of woods/hillside. One section (pictured) we plan on turning into a food plot in 2011. It’s about 100 acres long or so….We’ve already been seeing several deer in the week or so we’ve hunted it and are excited to see what we can accomplish with this plot…Other than a soil test, what experiences have some of you had with your plots and what do you recommend for planting? Advice, anything….Thanks

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    If you can get soil tests and the lime down this year still it will helps lot next spring. Looks like a good spot, good luck on the project.

    Posts: 149

    what else is in the area for food?

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    There are acorns all over the property and all of the logging trails are covered in clover….Other than that there are(were) corn fields across the street and WAAY back up on the ridge top down the way.

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    I would divide it up into 2 plots, one a warm season producer (clover and chicory) and the other half a cold season food source like Brassicas. Both produce high tonnage allowing you to maximize the out put of you plot! And both are relativly easy to maintain

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    It sounds like you hunt this property early? how about during the late season? My concern is if you plant clover and you just hunt gun season you will be dissapointed on the other hand the deer were hammering the clover just last week. but now that i have snow they have moved to the soybeans and corn I am still trying to find that magic bean but so far no luck how many acres is your plot? I tend to agree with qdm on the brassicas but would like you to consider a forage soybean or cereal grain.for the late season hunt

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