need opinions on a late fall planting

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13892

    I am keeping a small plot (19 acres) that I am taking out of set-a-side Sept 30th. I’ll be cutting all the brush down the next day – Oct 1st. Its a pain that I can not bail it to get all the weeds/crap off of the field….but, I can rake it all off and leave it in rows.

    Of the 19 acres, I’m breaking it down to 6 plot areas. I’m looking for something besides winter rye that I can still get growing yet this fall

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    Small grains are the only thing that may grow. But a great oppertunity to get things preped for an early season plot, I would consider frost seeding a acre section that you have the soil prepared on and give you something green in addition to your rye while seeding the rest of your MEGA PLOT

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Wow! Thats alot to take on… especially this time of year I agree with qdm that winter rye is about your only option at this point. I would only plant an acre or two this fall. I have converted several set aside fields into food plots but it take alot of planning. One of the problems is that most of the set aside plants are warm season plants that are already dormant so any kind of weed killer this fall in preparation for next spring is pretty much out of the question. For next spring I would consider mostly rr ready crops so you will be able to control the grass competition that you will have in late june when the warm season grasses germinate. Randy I would also consider utilizing some of the existing set aside as cover/bedding areas and also as a screen to conceal you movement to and from your stands. Do you have a plan in place for this 19 acres? if not I would be happy to make suggestions as to controlling the deer movement thru this new habitat. You very fortunate to have this much land to work with If planned properly we can help control the deer movement to greatly increase the deer movement past you stands There are times that food plots planted in the wrong place can decrease your chances of success.

    Posts: 6441


    Wow! Thats alot to take on… especially this time of year I agree with qdm that winter rye is about your only option at this point. I would only plant an acre or two this fall. I have converted several set aside fields into food plots but it take alot of planning. One of the problems is that most of the set aside plants are warm season plants that are already dormant so any kind of weed killer this fall in preparation for next spring is pretty much out of the question. For next spring I would consider mostly rr ready crops so you will be able to control the grass competition that you will have in late june when the warm season grasses germinate. Randy I would also consider utilizing some of the existing set aside as cover/bedding areas and also as a screen to conceal you movement to and from your stands. Do you have a plan in place for this 19 acres? if not I would be happy to make suggestions as to controlling the deer movement thru this new habitat. You very fortunate to have this much land to work with If planned properly we can help control the deer movement to greatly increase the deer movement past you stands There are times that food plots planted in the wrong place can decrease your chances of success.

    And that right there is way Bob is “The Man”

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13892


    Wow! Thats alot to take on… especially this time of year Randy I would also consider utilizing some of the existing set aside as cover/bedding areas and also as a screen to conceal you movement to and from your stands. Do you have a plan in place for this 19 acres?

    I appreciate the offer to help, but the plan is already 18 years in the planning and experience of working the land. I don’t have time right now to post the topo shots, but I’m following the “If its’ not broken, don’t fix it method”. Just adding a couple of enhancements to it. I guide turkey hunting on this land and the CWD police (DNR) has given all the neighbors the tools to decimate the deer herd in the area. I’m just adding better food sources when they need it most.

    As for a lot of work…not really. I have a Case 300 and a Case 970 and all the imp equipment I need. 10 chisel will roll over anything I want it to, and I can disc up to 24 feet. 12 row planter takes care of the corn, and I rent the brodcaster from the co-op. The initial R/R will take 4 days and about 160 gallons of fuel.

    a few details:

    The plots run north/south. There are three depressions or coulees that naturally run east/west forming two natural bottle necks. Regardless of open field or cover, deer and coyotes run the rim of the coulees. So instead of enticing them off the beaten path, all the plots are specificly designed to work with the natural flow that is already in place. I have 17 acres on the NE corner of this plot that has been destroyed in storms/floods/ and butchered by a logger. I did a specific planting pattern for bedding and long term nut trees (hazelnuts & oaks) – this segment of land is a sanctuary and NO ONE is allowed to step foot into the wood line of this. North of this plot and bordering the 17 acre sanctuary is 54 acres split in to alfalfa, corn, oats, and hay. Its been active ag land and that won’t change. Both east and west sides of the plots are natural mature hardwoods and huge roosting trees for the turkeys. The coulees from these segments of land cross my field. To the south is approx 40 acres that has been logged off (almost clear cut). It extends out into a ridge point and has two main crossing coulees that bottle neck on the very top. With the extreme growth of saplings, this is a major cover area and mature bucks bed this every fall and into late winter. I currently have 9 ground blinds and 11 tree stands over looking this 19 acres.

    Its taken me about 4 years to get this property tweaked for travel paths, fruit trees, ect. I take 1 mature buck a year, average 5 toms a year, 12 to 18 coyotes, and about 150 coon.

    Forgot to mention, the turkeys normally work this land North/South. So, I have everything dialed in very well and have very specific goals for each of the individual sub-plots. Hunting them is not the priority. Its providing supplement food sources for the most critical time periods.

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Sounds like you have thought of everything

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13892


    Sounds like you have thought of everything

    10 years ago when I signed the contract on the set a side, I didn’t think about the ending date, and needing to get the prep work done in the month of October

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    Good Luck Randy!!Most of my ploted farms have plenty of beding areas already established, and my goal is the same as your… to providefood in times where its needed most, I just wish I had all the toys at my fingure tips that you do! Good luck I canrt wait t see the after pics!!

    Posts: 2389

    WOW – Sounds like a little slice of heaven, Randy. What a treat it must be to have and be able to manipulate such a great piece of property…

    Waytogo also on the long range planning/work/thought/effort that went into it.

    Good luck with the ground work and fall hunting, and keep us posted!


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