Last fall I had the pleasure of running for a day a Ranger 620VS full windshield with a 225 E Tec top end mid 50’s. Nice smooth sweet ride.
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Food Plots and Wildlife Habitat » final plots of the year
final plots of the year
April 22, 2008 at 1:14 am #677142
Well my 95 stratos with 150 Evinrude Ficht hits 60 on the gps and guys pass me like I am standing still. I rode in a 21′ or a 22′ ranger with a 250 Merc on it and we hit 71 I am not sure what he had left.
April 22, 2008 at 1:16 am #677143My 15ft starcarft with 25 hp merc rolls about 18mph.. But if I lose fifty pounds this spring hang on!!!!
April 22, 2008 at 1:20 am #677147There is a lot of varibles on this issue.Starting with a manufacturer & boat type or style.Deep V style 60mph is very fast & 70+ mph obtainable.Bass style 80 mph is very fast & speeds over 100+mph obtainable!Boat manufacturer,motor size & manufacturer,prop & added accesories such as jackplate will gain extra mph.Hull weight & HP will be the key for high end speed if thats what your looking for!
Knowing how to drive one of the higher speed rigs will need training or you could find yourself
a ride on the wildside.
Best of luck on boat shopping & I would suggest trying BWB (Bass & Walleye Boats)magazine for info on high speed rigs.
April 22, 2008 at 1:31 am #677153My Lund 1900 Pro V IFS w/ 225 merc ProXS 59mph with full load on board
April 22, 2008 at 1:41 am #677156I fished a small company tourney with a rep a few years ago on Shields down by Faribault. I don’t remember the specifics of the rig other than a new bass boat with a 225. We left 2 minutes before we were supposed to be back, traveled a mile and got in with 1 minute to spare. On the way in he got my attention enough to show me the speedometer reading 78. I didn’t really need to know the GPS speed but we were going about 20 mph faster than the last float plane I rode in was going when it touched down.
April 22, 2008 at 2:39 am #6771742002 1900 Pro V IFS 200 Yamaha four stroke 48mph GPS. I don’t care about speed that much but sure seems slow. Anyone know if I may have a problem?? I have a 19 pitch prop running about 5400 rpms. I have been a bit disappointed in the performance of this boat motor combo. Out of the hole is a struggle, seems like top speed should be a bit more, and these fourstrokes are not that fuel efficient from what I am seeing. Any advice on changes if this sounds out of the ordinary would be appreciated
April 22, 2008 at 2:52 am #677179Jesse, Yamaha makes a “Pro Prop” for the 200 4 stroke. I ran it last year on my 185 G3 with the F-200. It would push that boat over 50. It has vents in the prop that are supposed to increase power and performance. It sure made a difference from 2006 to 2007!
April 22, 2008 at 3:50 am #677182Why does it matter how fast your boat goes? Are the fish going to leave before you get there? I have had both slow and fast boats. It’s always the guy that doesn’t have any common sense or courtesy that pisses me off
I have been fishing before and have some yahoo come by 2 feet away doing 60 when there is about 10 miles of water that he could have used to get around me.
It only takes 1 or 2 bad apples to ruin the whole bunch. I have nothing against going fast but look around first, we all have our own idea of fun.April 22, 2008 at 1:25 pm #677224Crestliner 202 Tournament Series w/ Merc 225 ProXS 59 gps w/ a standard load and a light chop. Tourney load w/ full tank (60 gallons) 56 gps.
Low 60’s is about as fast as you’ll get in a deep-V w/in the parameters you listed. If there’s one between 19 to 21 foot that can hit 70 w/ a 225 or 250, I’d love to see it.
70-80+ mph is certainly obtainable w/ a bass boat.
Posts: 10April 22, 2008 at 9:02 pm #677387I was a non-boater in bass tournament a few years ago and the boater had a 21 ft Skeeter with 250 Yammie (if I remember correctly). I will not forget that we hit 73 mph GPS speed on the way back to the weigh-in and it was a single console…..could hardly breathe.
Posts: 1036April 23, 2008 at 2:23 pm #677714I am running an ’08 Ranger 621 with Evinrude’s new 250 E-TEC HO with a 8″ hydralic jackplate. At Lake Erie last Thursday during day 2 of the FLW Tour on the way out in the morning with 55+ gallons of gas, full livewell, jigs, bouncers, weights, spinners, cranks, 4 group 29 batteries, 36V bow mount maxxum, 36V engine mount electric, 9.9 four stroke with a panther trim – every compartment full in the boat – 58.6 MPH and that’s only at 5400 rpm with a 22p Raker II prop. This will be a 60 MPH boat tournament day when I dial in the settings and low 60’s when loaded lightly.
Hope this helps!
April 23, 2008 at 2:51 pm #677736Thanks for the great replies guys!
I’m looking to pick up a new rig this Winter, and would prefer something that can get 55-60mph fairly consistently. I’m kinda leaning toward the new 1930 Skeeter they are coming out with(if its ready by that time)
Getting consistently passed up on tournament day with a 115 on back can get to a guys head.
Any other rig suggestions are appreciated!
September 7, 2010 at 7:42 pm #204321I was fortunate enough to get in all my plots just before this last spell of rain. Here is the play by play. I haven’t been back since I planted but I will update when I can. I am sure it looks like my test plot I planted in front of my house last Tuesday….that is now 4″!!!! Keep raining baby! This picture was taken August 4th. This was an old logging landing. It had never seen a planting of any sort.
September 7, 2010 at 7:51 pm #72039Round up plot on the 17th. For the record the mix was 3oz of High Yield generic round up for every gallon of water. No sticker agent was needed. 12 gallons of water will do 1 acre with the pump set at 30psi and the 4-wheeler doing 6mph.
September 7, 2010 at 7:59 pm #72037August 28th was till/fertilize/lime/plant day. As you can see from the pictures it got real dusty by the end of the day. Fertilizer was triple 19 at a rate of 300lbs per acre. Lime was all the barn lime I had left over from my other plots. Closest guess would put it in the ball park of 600lbs per acre. I planted Winter Rye and Austrian Winter peas this year. 100lbs of rye and 25lbs of peas per acre.
Posts: 6441September 7, 2010 at 9:00 pm #72231Nicely done Mr J
Thanks for giving us the play by play
I hope your hardwork is rewarded with a big buck
September 10, 2010 at 2:48 am #73115How are the looking?With this rain they should be greening nicerly, great looking area!
September 11, 2010 at 1:52 am #73284Finally got out tonight to look at the progress. I didn’t expect them to be great the first year so I’m happy with the results so far. Hope it rains tonight….
September 11, 2010 at 6:07 am #73265Looks real nice! Hopefully my plots will keep all the bucks down in my dad’s valley…that way you’re plots don’t get too much grazing pressure
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