Trying out my luck at a No-Till Fall plot. It was planted 2 weeks ago and consisted of Clover, Rape, and Turnips. Really what I am after is for this to be a clover plot for next year, but wanted to put the Rape in with it for some good fall browse. It is planted in West Central MN and is about 2 acres in size. I have 1 acre adjoining these two acres that is currently clover, but will likely be forage beans next year.
I sprayed the plot with roundup a couple of times this summer and then sprayed it again right after planting. I will admit that the weeds and had gotten away from me before I got it planted, but a double rate of roundup right behind the drill took care of most of the problems.
Here are a few pics of the progress so far:
Pic 1 shows part of the plot as you face North. . Overall, the emergence and early growth are a bit slower due to the cover, but you can really see the areas that were more bare to start with.
Pic 2 is a close up of the growth.
Pic 3 Is facing South over the middle plot