Sweet looking piece of ground QDM! In my opinion you are on the right track with the areas that you highlighted in purple to enhance bedding cover. I hate to speak for Bob here but as far as size of hingecutting areas it really depends on what you want to do. Does will gravitate to areas that are large enough for their family group, where as bucks will prefer to bed alone. A bucks bed could be created with just one large tree laying down to give him horizontal cover. This all varies depending on season though(summer=bachelor groups, fall=lone bucks) so a nice mix of small “pockets” and larger security areas would be my choice. Does also like separation during fawning so multiple bedding spots spread thoughout can provide good fawning habitat also. Don’t take my word for gospel though….I’m learning too
In looking at you’re aerial again I had a few afterthoughts: What is the swampground like on the north end? Are there any highspots out there? I’d look at planting alders/redosier on any highspots to promote browse and bedding. Swamps can be a real magnet when pressure picks up
good response! I agree with everything in the above post. you really need to sit with the map and study it closely and come up with the plan that will work for you.