H2OC question

  • dandorn
    Posts: 3239

    Got to the lake and my H2OC is not reading my 2009 lakemaster chip. No contour lines. I thought i had this chip in it before but maybe it was an older one.
    Shouldn’t it be able to read an 09?
    I see the chip flashing on start up and it shows the ProMap Technologies copyright info.
    Please help if you can. Thanks!

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    I have a 09 lakemaster in my H20C and it reads…slow but still reads it fine. I guess I am used to the speed of today’s technology.

    Posts: 208

    I have h2oc with 92 lake chip and shows and reads contour just fine. Not sure why yours don’t work. Sorry.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    You need to go into the settings and select the chip. I cannot remember the sequence but that’s what needs to be done.

    Posts: 1552

    Dan, not sure if this is your issue but this happened to me on my old B&W unit. The little spin wheel that held my card in was getting loose from use and wasn’t holding the chip down so it could make contact on the pins. I just put some folded up paper in there under the batteries and it was enough force to push the chip down so it can make contact on the connectors.

    I hope I don’t jinx myself but my color H2O has been slow to load the chip lately too. It will blink down in the right corner like you mentioned but after 5-10 seconds the chip takes and starts to show contours. This happens almost every time.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3911

    Not sure if the BnW H20is the same as the H20C but my first 09′ chip was a microSD and the BnW will not read microSD. It worked fine in my 520 and lcx27 though. I contacted LM on this at the time and they told me about the MicroSD being the issue and they exchanged it with a SD which worked in all including my H20

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