H2H Pro 1 on 1?

  • Jason Merritt
    Posts: 36

    I was looking to see when the New Season of H2H head to head started and the website had nothing listed. I found the Tournament format very interesting and liked the ability to watch it LIVE as it happened!Just wondering why they did away with the PRO 1 vs 1 setup.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 254

    Yes, it was canceled for 2022 due to lack of sponsorship dollars. Only team events like one on the Fox river last week.

    Posts: 1583

    I think they took a big stab at it last year and while I commend them, it’s just hard to take seriously a tournament trail that has the term “dink fest” in its nomenclature. I kind of kid. It just seemed like the money wasn’t there. pretty obvious when your main sponsor is a bait and tackle store in appleton.

    They aren’t even streaming on FB/YT this year. just on their site.

    I didn’t have much of an issue with it. they ruffled some feathers punishing max wilson last year and the year before it was snag fest on the fox river but I’m not certain that was the reason they’ve had to kind of back off.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5222

    My gripe is how slow the action has been too often. I get that you can’t predict the bite but 6 hours of coverage with guys getting skunked is awful to watch. The announcers are terrible, too.

    I did like seeing the different techniques and bodies of water but they needed to make it more entertaining.

    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1212

    I know a guy that fished in it last year, he said he joined it because the concept, he’s back on the pwt this year

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