H-Bird Helix 7 SI

  • cougareye
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    looking for some thoughts on my new Helix 7. Installed it last weekend on the boat then made first trip to the water last night after work. Put in and slow trolled around, everything seemed to be working. GPS, standard graph, down image, and side imaging.

    Put the boat up on plane and it kept contact and gave good readings. Came off plane and here’s where I started to notice a few things on side imaging.

    Started to lose some functionality on left side, but main problem I noticed was that everytime I trimmed my motor (up or down) I get a horizontal bar on my side image and only on the left side. Transducer is on the right side of the motor (as you view it from behind) and am wondering:

    1) Is motor and trim motor interfering with transducer signal or
    2) Is there an electrical surge as both H-Bird and trim motor use the same battery?

    Any thoughts?


    Posts: 6687

    The line is electrical interference.

    The clutter on left side is likely cavitation from the center of your boat if your duecer is mounted on the opposite side.

    Posts: 5126

    Lower unit is getting in the way. I’ve always trimmed up slightly when side scanning. It usually doesn’t matter that you’re trimmed up since you should be going less than 5mph anyway.

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