Gun question

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17379

    You can read it anyway you like. The other option would be that there are rules, follow them or not but don’t cry about the results.

    Somebody brought up the Grinder case with Russia, is it Russia’s fault for having the rule or Grinders for not following it?

    Posts: 4362

    When you visit another country, you abide by their rules or you pay the consequences. I would expect nothing less for a visitor coming here either.

    No here they give you free health care and an unlimited debit card while they try to figure out a way that you wont get in any trouble and how to keep you from leaving.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    The REAL problem here is BS “laws”…

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17379

    The REAL problem here is BS “laws”…

    Or the problem is arrogant Americans who think the law doesn’t apply to them?

    Probably time to shut the thread down. It’s getting off track as all gun threads do eventually.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    You can read it anyway you like. The other option would be that there are rules, follow them or not but don’t cry about the results.

    Somebody brought up the Grinder case with Russia, is it Russia’s fault for having the rule or Grinders for not following it?

    I brought that up and it’s her fault for not following them but the US government did everything in their power to get her out of prison. You think they are doing that for these guys or other average joe citizens in similar situations?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
    Just shows you how good we have it here.

    I agree with that statement.

    When you visit another country, you abide by their rules or you pay the consequences. I would expect nothing less for a visitor coming here either.

    Visitor…. coming here…. abide by rules…. jester jester jester

    Sorry, too funny !!! rotflol

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    haha yeah that’s another topic

    Trading Brittany Griner for Viktor Bout was not a fair trade!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    Well that’s a bad way to start vacation. Or was it the end of his Vacation

    tip of the mitten
    Posts: 412

    what i learned from this thread…you all need to keep your ammo in a more secure location and stop loosing rounds in your vehicles and bags. why is loose ammo in your vehicle? why is it not in a carry case or ammo box? so many questions, lots of excuses.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    what i learned from this thread…you all need to keep your ammo in a more secure location and stop loosing rounds in your vehicles and bags. why is loose ammo in your vehicle? why is it not in a carry case or ammo box? so many questions, lots of excuses.

    Why does my ammo have to be in a secure location. We have ammo in all 3 vehicles at all times, we are a family that shoots a few times a week and have many different firearms for doing so. After 5 of us shoot all day or have a day in the field it’s pretty common for a few loose rounds to end up in a cup holder on the way back or between spots, or in a bag pocket of our day sack. I have a full back seat storage for ammo but sometimes after a long day in the field or bird hunting some rounds get placed in spots that are not the ammo cans. Nothing wrong with that, life goes on and doesn’t cause any issues. There’s only 2 places that it’s a issue. When I work at the moa and have to go through security check points, which it’ll be a cold day in hell that I don’t have a gun there when working, and when I have to go to the airport and am working on the or accessing from the tarmack. Then in that case I make sure the vehicle is clean and secure. No EXCUSES because I don’t need to have a excuse.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17379

    The thread has nothing to do with what you do at home, the office or your vehicles. It’s about flying out of country and being responsible enough to BE SURE there are no bullets bouncing around in your luggage. 1 bullet…ya it can happen….2 ok maybe……..partial box, nah I didn’t look and nobody can make me.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    The thread has nothing to do with what you do at home, the office or your vehicles. It’s about flying out of country and being responsible enough to BE SURE there are no bullets bouncing around in your luggage. 1 bullet…ya it can happen….2 ok maybe……..partial box, nah I didn’t look and nobody can make me.

    I was answering some ones question.

    Posts: 798

    The thread has nothing to do with what you do at home, the office or your vehicles. It’s about flying out of country and being responsible enough to BE SURE there are no bullets bouncing around in your luggage. 1 bullet…ya it can happen….2 ok maybe……..partial box, nah I didn’t look and nobody can make me.

    Didn’t you just post it was time to shut this thread down because it was getting off track? Looks like you can’t take your own advice.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17379

    Ah feeling grumpy this morning eh? Go back to bed, get out the other side and life will look better to you. grin

    Posts: 798

    No just pointing out the hypocrisy. grin

    Posts: 3423

    Maybe have a dedicated bag for shooting?

    Griner had a recent interview on ABC news. Robin Roberts asked her how she could miss the vape cartridges. Griner said, “Have you ever forgot your keys in your car and left your car running? ‘Where’s my glasses?’ They’re on top of your head. ‘Where’s my phone?’ Oh, it’s in my pocket. It’s just so easy to have a mental lapse.”

    rotflol rotflol rotflol Bwaaaaaahaaaaaa!!

    Lou W
    Posts: 206

    I can see it happening. A few years ago I flew out of bemidji. Used my boat bag as a carry on. I had a leatherman and filet knife in it, unknown to me…..didn’t check it. TSA found it, said “no problem, did you check a bag”? They found my bag and put the knives in there. I’m pretty sure if I was at MSP I’d be questioned in a room. I check my bag now before I fly. It was an honest mistake

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    This reminds me of a poor poor basketball player who took THC into Russia.

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