Gun Literature Question

  • Nick Matti
    Posts: 109

    I’m helping my parents move and clean out their former residence. My dad was a pretty avid collector of all things but especially Gun Literature. There must be darn near a complete collection of Gun Digests, dozens of books of Rifle mag, dozens of Winchester year books, and a plethora of other gun/hunting/reloading books and magazines.

    Do you guys have any recomendations on whether they have enough value to try and sell them? Through what methods?

    Buffalo Fishhead
    Posts: 310

    I am following this as I am cleaning out “my room” in the basement and I have a similar stash of the same materials.

    I contacted a friend that tends to deal in this type of stuff. I told him if wanted it I would give it to him. He indicated that kind of material is just not worth the bother, as the value in very minimal.

    I just hate to take it to the recycle facility, but I think that is where it will have to go.

    Buffalo Fishhead

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