Gun Control in VA

  • lindyrig79
    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6231

    Can anyone explain what is going on in Virginia?? Of all the places to crack down on gun control I wouldn’t think VA would be one of them ?

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4050

    I’m out of popcorn, someone please share

    Posts: 959

    America hating leadership in VA (new governor) wants to confiscate the scary black semi autos & limit mag caps. The media tried to project the event as a white nationalist rally, the folks of many races & ethnicities there, rallying for all of our constitutional rights made that farce laughable. Then the anti’s showed up, trying to start a riot and the cops cleared the event. Anyone thinking that new gun laws are harmless, has their heads in the clouds. We already have background checks. Lose the second, you may as well lose them all.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    Yep, Gov of VA declares state of emergency for the gun rally before it happens and what goes down? 22,000 gun activists show up and only one arrest was made.

    Guess who got arrested? A 20 year old anti gun activist for wearing a mask after an officer asked her to remove it 3 times…..I’d say it was a pretty good showing for the gun activists.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Actually the event was quardend off at the state Capitol not allowing guns on state property so incidents would not happen and to prevent what happened in Charletvill in 2017. Beyond state property citizens were able to carry fire arms. I saw no media manipulation other than social networks. I saw no reports of attemps to riot at today’s rally.

    I believe the capital has a tradition on this day for rallies and other and for this supporters from across the country came to the rally. Great for those to be able voice their beliefs in a relatively safe enviroment.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    Actually the event was quardend off at the state Capitol not allowing guns on state property so incidents would not happen and to prevent what happened in Charletvill in 2017. Beyond state property citizens were able to carry fire arms. I saw no media manipulation other than social networks. I saw no reports of attemps to riot at today’s rally.

    I believe the capital has a tradition on this day for rallies and other and for this supporters from across the country came to the rally. Great for those to be able voice their beliefs in a relatively safe enviroment.

    Yes but the other 16,000 people outside the grounds did have the ability to carry firearms and still, no incidents. Just because you are conservative and own a firearm doesn’t make you an extremist that is going to show up at a rally intended for a good cause and try and harm people.

    That’s it for my political talk for the year.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    environment. I did say beyond state property people were able to carry guns . I am not trying to make a statement. I think were saying the same thing.

    Posts: 1263

    When will our government follow the constitution and the will of the people? why does the side the preaches peace and tolerance wear masks and show the least of either? ,why are the people who gather to defend the articles of the constitution are the nut job according to those that try to weaken it? yea I see how the lawful gun owners are the problem.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Thomas,, that’s funny a far right wing news outlet commenting on a social media rant. doah whistling

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Thomas,, that’s funny a far right wing news outlet commenting on a social media rant. doah whistling

    why does the side the preaches peace and tolerance wear masks and show the least of either?

    probably the same reason some take a generalization to the extreme.
    Why do some pro gun activists where masks at rallies. Notice I didn’t generalize what spectrum they maybe representing.

    Posts: 959

    I watched the event live-streamed. Did any of you?

    Posts: 756

    I watched the event live-streamed. Did any of you?

    I watched a few arfcom guys live streams.

    What we have in Virginia at the moment is the culmination of terrible voter turnout in 2017, combined with massive amounts of out of state money funding democratic candidates, combined with a very large influx of new residents, whether it’s immigrants or swampy types from DC.

    MN might want to pay attention…

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6117

    MN might want to pay attention…

    Here is a list of bills currently being reviewed by the Mn legislature: coffee

    •Senate File 2101 would require a court to set a compliance hearing within 10 days of issuing a firearms restriction after someone violates child abuse, domestic abuse, domestic assault, harassment or stalking laws. Firearms are supposed to be removed from the individual who violates the laws, but the current statute doesn’t set out a process to ensure that happens.

    •Senate File 434, referred to as the universal background check bill, would require someone buying a firearm to obtain a transfer permit to purchase or file a transfer report. And if the buyer is obtaining a firearm from an unlicensed seller, they would also have to produce a transfer permit or provide a permit to carry and identification to the seller. Records of the sale or transfer would need to be kept for five years.

    •Senate File 436, which has been called the “red flag” bill, would allow law enforcement to remove firearms from a person believed to be a danger to him or herself or to others.

    •Senate File 748 would allow Minnesotans authorized to carry a firearm under current permitting requirements to carry in public places without a permit.

    •Senate File 72 would adopt in Minnesota law what is commonly known as stand your ground provisions, making justified the use of deadly force in efforts to defend one’s self or others against real or perceived threats.

    •Senate File 2596 would make it a felony to transfer a firearm to a person who has been denied a permit to carry, is ineligible for the permit or has been disqualified from possessing a permit.


    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18637

    I believe that they also want to limit the purchase of handguns to one per month in addition to what Thomas indicated regarding the semi auto rifles/magazines.

    Local law enforcement has already stated they will not enforce these laws, which they consider to be unconstitutional. So I’m not really sure where it goes from here. If there’s no one enforcing them, what good are they?

    Posts: 5101


    1. cnn.jpg.eb081069b812835ebd89da04168a2841-1.jpg

    Posts: 1263

    guns have been in our homes since the pilgrims,I don’t understand people’s mentality that feels no one should own one.

    Posts: 5303

    I love good humor, that’s a good one munchy.

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    I had KARE 11 on in the background this morning and on mute/closed caption so not really paying attention, but I believe they had a headline of, “Tense Gun Rally in Virginia.” No idea what they said, but only off the headline I would think that it involved lots of arrests, guns pointed at each other, etc. Media these days….

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12471

    I have said it on here before and I guess I’m saying it again. Sportsmen and sportswomen tend to be rather quiet and not speak out about things they believe strongly in ( Except here on this site ) We all ( myself included ) need to start doing a better job of speaking up and being heard on the subjects we believe strongly in. You can sure bet that those who have the opposite views will. I believe that far to many politicians as well as people who are on the fence on various subjects tend to base their decisions and votes on the side which is making the most noise and are getting the most media coverage. Kudo’s to those in Virginia who showed up in #’s to voice their opinions on gun control and ownership. One thing this country have proven is its far easier to stop things from being changed than it is to change them back after they were changed. If you believe that there are not politicians and others out there who not only want to take away your rights to purchase a gun, but also take away any that you already own – Then you need to pull you head out of the sand and do something about it before its to late.

    Brainerd-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 183

    Yes and the UN is hiring at their office in NY for full time Disarmament, Demobilization,and Reintegration Officers.

    Posts: 1263

    Yes and the UN is hiring at their office in NY for full time Disarmament, Demobilization,and Reintegration Officers.

    and you know this how?
    If the UN is stupid enough to think the can come in this country and attempt to disarm its citizens,then they may want to think about issuing a body bag for everyone they hire, it would definitely start a civil war in this country.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    Thomas,, that’s funny a far right wing news outlet commenting on a social media rant. doah whistling

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>James Bystrom wrote:</div>
    why does the side the preaches peace and tolerance wear masks and show the least of either?

    probably the same reason some take a generalization to the extreme.

    Why do some pro gun activists where masks at rallies.

    Please present an example of of these situations.

    You know damn well that is a stunt pulled off by leftist anti gunners on a regular basis.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    I should have kept my trap shut. Boats we get a chance to be in the same boat on lake or river we would have a great time. This thing of talking or conversing by letters formed to words get funky. It gets funky for us all. Baiting for a comment is beneath you. Don’t pigeon whole me into a particular viewpoint for someone you can attack. Then again maybe you want my trap shut then I dont want to be in the same boat.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Now I came to this thread again to say how appreciated how some took time and thought about to break down what’s happening in the legislative in that state in a point of view that can be understood. Thanks guys for your point of view it’s not far off from the rest of us. No matter what the waxkadoodles on both sides say.
    Shite it’s coming from a born and raised guy from Minnesota moving to rural, over 50 years of age, Missouri. Hey over fifty of age gives mistery to the galls.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    1hl&sinker you’re right, I should’ve kept my trap shut too. There should be a filter that requires a person to blow into their phone before allowing a person to post. moon


    Posts: 5101


    1. 83023941_3917501501597002_7519241649319313408_n.jpg

    Posts: 168

    One argument I am absolutely tired of hearing. You don’t need a gun like that to hunt. Hunting has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment to the Constitution. Its purpose is to keep citizens in control of their government.

    That is like arguing that only discussion of weather is necessary for the 1st amendment. Our founding fathers that wrote and engineered the Constitution were not only very intelligent. They were also very futuristic in their thinking. Example : during Jefferson’s lifetime. A flight of a manned balloon was documented. From that one flight Jefferson predicted airports. He also predicted the change in military importance of ports.

    They were also aware of any government’s main purpose. To gain more power is the first aim of any form of government. To keep that natural inclination in check. They gave us the Bill of Rights. Each one as important as the other. How ever without the 2nd they will all be worthless.

    Lastly ” gun control ” has nothing to do about crime or safety. Its about people control. If the lefties believe so much in gun free zones. Why not just post thousands of those notices at their upcoming convention ? Instead of hiring armed guards for millions of dollars ?

    Posts: 5303

    One argument I am absolutely tired of hearing. You don’t need a gun like that to hunt. Hunting has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment to the Constitution. Its purpose is to keep citizens in control of their government.

    rotflol rotflol rotflol

    Yup, cause a bunch of middle age dudes with dad bods are going to check the government any time soon.
    Their big time training shooting at targets on timed courses really give these guys an edge. Our military is spectacularly excellent. Any citizen militia would get erased in a matter of minutes by any of your armed force branches.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 540

    Perch do you prefer the original Red Dawn or the 2012 remake with that dreamy Chris Hemsworth?

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