gun control bill

  • glenn57
    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12896

    putting this here because this forum is more heavily viewed. i was just alerted to this!!!!

    there is a really bad gun control bill going thru st paul right now labeled NUCLEAR GUN CONTROL BILL IN MINNESOTA!! its been introduced by Sen John Marty and its really horrible if you are a gun owner.

    the Mn gun owners caucus has it on there site with the details. i believe there is a petition to sign if your against it……. someone with more puter smarts should get that up so every outdoorsman and woman can sign it.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6718

    Signed also. Thanks for bringing this up here guy’s

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2202

    Signed. Thanks for the head up.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18973

    Knew something like this was coming since our state is under complete Dem control now. They plan to sneak in their egregious new laws rather than make a big fuss. Wearing plaid and fishing a couple hours on opener doesnt fool me.

    Thanks to all that voted THESE PEOPLE in…….. flame

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12896

    i’m just a peon in the grand scheme of things here on IDO but i’d rather not this go political…..this is to important to me to get it zapped…….sign it and let’er buck!!!!

    Posts: 300

    i’m just a peon in the grand scheme of things here on IDO but i’d rather not this go political…..this is to important to me to get it zapped…….sign it and let’er buck!!!!

    HA! Thats funny. it’s 100% political


    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3171


    Instead of making noise here, those who feel like sounding off should be writing to those legislators who support this stuff and let them know that you’ll be supporting every effort that comes along in removing them from the legislature come next voting time. Dumping your ideologies here does nothing.

    Posts: 873

    Signed, Thanks Glenn

    Posts: 9167

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>glenn57 wrote:</div>
    i’m just a peon in the grand scheme of things here on IDO but i’d rather not this go political…..this is to important to me to get it zapped…….sign it and let’er buck!!!!

    HA! Thats funny. it’s 100% political


    Yes asking for signatures to stop a proposed bill is basically the definition of political. Taking a guess here but I think Glenn just means he’s not looking to start a discussion on this post. Just wants to make everyone aware and then move on.

    Honestly should just have a link to the bill and a link to the petition, then lock and sticky the thread.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1487

    Dumb question but can people from the great state of Wisconsin sign this? Also what are they trying to ban?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18728

    Also what are they trying to ban?

    I posted the legislative proposed bill above. Its quite long, with a lot of revision, addition, and other information in it.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1487

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>KP wrote:</div>
    Also what are they trying to ban?

    I posted the legislative proposed bill above. Its quite long, with a lot of revision, addition, and other information in it.

    The lazy in me was looking for the spark note version haha

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18728

    The lazy in me was looking for the spark note version haha

    Haha ya its a long (and confusing) read. I went through it earlier and just gave up halfway through.

    Posts: 24546

    The lazy in me was looking for the spark note version haha

    This is the first paragraph of the bill will give you an idea: “modifying concealed carry of firearms; banning possession
    of large capacity ammunition magazines, ghost guns, and other weapons;
    prohibiting open carry of firearms”

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22895

    A couple more laws they don’t enforce on criminals, and the bad guys should start complying. The logic. doah

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18728

    This is the first paragraph of the bill will give you an idea: “modifying concealed carry of firearms; banning possession
    of large capacity ammunition magazines, ghost guns, and other weapons;
    prohibiting open carry of firearms”

    If you continue on, there are exceptions to all of those and a fair amount of language has been removed. So simply stating that all of that in broad form is in the bill is not accurate, at least right now. Obviously can and likely will get revised again, if it makes it that far.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12896

    tswobda is 100% correct.i know its from st paul and political…… but the heart of the matter here is do you want this to be law

    to Jimmy Jones point my state reps arent in favor from the info i can gather!!!!!

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12422

    The lazy in me was looking for the spark note version haha

    Magazine restrictions, Red Flag Laws, and Universal Background checks aka gun registration would be the cliff notes version.

    Posts: 24546

    If you continue on, there are exceptions to all of those and a fair amount of language has been removed. So simply stating that all of that in broad form is in the bill is not accurate, at least right now. Obviously can and likely will get revised again, if it makes it that far.

    Yeah, but I am not reading all that. Just like politicians dont read the 1000 page bills they vote on. Its a farce.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18728

    ust like politicians dont read the 1000 page bills they vote on.

    Lol that’s probably pretty accurate

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 216

    Should I buy a gun now? I’m 40 yo and don’t own any gun but maybe now is the time?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22895

    Should I buy a gun now? I’m 40 yo and don’t own any gun but maybe now is the time?

    Only buy one, if you will be responsible with it. Take some gun safety training and learn how to handle it first. You only need one, when you need one.

    Don Carlisle
    Aitkin mn
    Posts: 357

    Thanks Glen for posting this I hope it doesn’t get pulled. I had posted the same about 2 weeks ago and wasn’t up for less than 30 minutes and got dusted. Good info here.

    Posts: 24546

    Only buy one, if you will be responsible with it. Take some gun safety training and learn how to handle it first. You only need one, when you need one.

    Speaking of gun safety, remember when they actually did it through schools?

    Posts: 1054


    Posts: 1265

    I wish I could sign, but being from Wisconsin I don’t think it would have any bearing on MN law.

    SE MN
    Posts: 127

    Copied from @MinnesotaMiners twitter.

    “There are 87 sheriffs in the state of Minnesota. Out of that 87 there are 76 that directly oppose the gun legislation currently sitting in this year’s legislative session”.

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