Don’t follow me and you’ll be better off
I’m running the north end of the lake and am finding it quite challenging.
Weeds are tall enough now that trolling cranks has proved pretty frustrating. Last friday buddy and I hit it hard for 6 hours with zero walleyes. Post cold front, little breeze, and perfect blue bird sky. Did see a huge eelpout swimming in 4 fow, was pretty cool.
Monday night went out and picked up a couple in only an hour. Cloudy and no wind. Again late Wednesday afternoon for two hours and skunked. Mostly sunny.
I have to think others are doing better than I am and that I’m getting an angler inferiority complex. For me unless there is big wind or heavy clouds I should probably switch to bass. I’m blaming it on the extreme water clarity but who knows.
Got leeches a week ago to run spinners in 9-12 fow. Going out tomorrow and will be moving deeper on the weeds to see if that helps. Should be a very nice people weekend.
Anyone got better advice?