Grouse's Food Plot Thread 2019

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12218

    Though I’d post an update on my food plot progress in 2019.

    Some of you know that I own Midwest Monster Whitetail Products, so this report is for the property we call the Midwest Monster Home Farm near Hinckley, Minnesota.

    This first update will be short because as of today (6/5/19), well, I haven’t gotten much done.

    First, it was wet, wet, wet and didn’t dry up enough to even THINK about getting a tractor in the plots to start turning dirt until last week.

    I did manage to get some clethodim sprayed on the clover plots and did a pass with gly on the future soybean plot. I also spread 1 ton of lime on one plot back in early May.

    On 6/1 I finally had dry enough ground to start working so the first priority was to get the Eagle Forage Soybeans planted. Well as they say, everything was going great until… With about 80% of the 2.5-acre soybean plot worked up with the disc, we had a little tractor breakdown. See picture below. That’s the rear steering pivot block from my John Deere. It’s about a 15-pound block of cast iron and she done busted. Steering came apart and only the loader saved us from having the front end hit the ground. Bad, yes, but could have been worse.

    Game over! There’s no workaround for that, so I’m dead in the water until parts get here sometime tomorrow. I got the replacement block, but now I need bushings and other parts.

    If the weather holds, we’ll hopefully have everything back together by the weekend and be planted.

    BTW, some might wonder is it too late to plant Eagle Forage Soybeans? No! I’ve had customers who have planted beans as late as the last week in June in MN and WI and have reported an excellent plot even with a late planting. The main thing that matters is getting timely rains and good growing weather.

    Here’s hoping I have all the parts I need to get seed in the ground.

    Finally, a huge thanks to forum member Sticker for

    a) Again growing the Midwest Monster test plots this year. We’re testing both Eagle Forage Soybeans and our brand new plot blend, AlfalfaMAX at Sticker’s place this year. Stay tuned for reports.

    b) His generous lending to me of a giant off-road jack to help fix my ol’ tractor. As you may have gathered, my mechanical experience is mostly with small engines and outboards, so my workshop has lots of tools for this size equipment. Working on stuff where the weight is best expressed in tons and the bolt sizes often require wrenches bigger than 3/4 inch is pretty new to me. Thanks Sticker!



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    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12218

    OK, I’m back in business.

    Friday, 6/7 – The tractor repair took up a good chunk of the day, but at least we got it fixed. The last 2 bolts on the front axle support required me to twist myself into 3 yoga positions that were previously unknown, but finally, I got the bolts in. Whew.

    Saturday 6/8 – Planting day! Planted 1.75 acres of Eagle Forage Soybeans and a .25 acre strip of ag beans. Fertilized everything with 150 pounds of fertilizer and lightly disced everything under to hide the seed.

    I also planted a forage sorghum screen along one plot edge to provide some screening.

    I was so tired and dirty after the last 2 days that I didn’t take any pictures. Pics soon.

    But at least I’ve got the beans in the ground! And bonus, I got .25 inches of rain on Sunday!


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Good to hear you finally got some seed in the ground!! Keep us updated with pics

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12218

    Update 6/28/19

    Eagle Forage Soybean plot (with .25 acre ag bean kicker plot on the side) – 20 days after planting.

    Sorry, I forgot to take a picture, but the soybeans are 4-6 inches high right now and the plot looks great. Except… the whole plot looked like a golf course fairway, it was so green with weeds! Wow, the weeds really LOVE this wet weather. The plot was sprayed before planting, so all this is new germination. I haven’t seen this kind of a weed crop come up this quickly, maybe it’s the year or maybe the plot.

    So out came the spray rig and 35 gallons of gly later, the 2 acres was sprayed. We’ll see how good of a kill I get.

    MegaClover Plus Plot (planted June 2018) – This plot looked great, but the clover was almost 2 feet high and all blossomed out, it was clearly time to mow! See photos. I’ve had some beautiful plots of Midwest Monster’s Mega Clover Plus before, but this plot is a standout in terms of both height and the volume of clover.

    My dad got on the tractor and we hooked up the mower. He cut it down to 6 inches so it should have plenty of growth and we may need to mow a second time, which would be unusual.

    New! AlfalfaMAX plot.

    Finally got time to plant 1 acre of our AlfalfaMAX blend with a nurse crop of oats. This plot was thoroughly burned down with gly and was weed-free, so the plot should get a good start.

    Last night the plot get 1.3 inches of rain. Hopefully, this means we’re off to a fast start with germination coming early this week.

    Everything seems to be growing well after a late start due to too much water. Hopefully this continues and we get some heat.

    Next up, on to the 2 acre brassicas plot!


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    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    The clover plot looks amazing!!!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12218

    End of summer update from my property.

    Despite TERRIBLE wet spring planting conditions, I actually got a fair amount planted. I just ran an average of 2 weeks behind where I wanted to be and that continued all season.

    Eagle Forage Soybeans – Planted in early June and browsing pressure started about the day after they germinated! I had to go with a double fence in August, I put up a 4 strand twine fence along with the Plotsaver scent fence. This seems to be working, but bean height has suffered.

    I still expect to get the forage soybeans up around belt-high by the end of the season. See photos below.

    I planted a new Plot of our AlfalfaMAX blend and it’s been doing very well. I just noticed I don’t have any pictures, so more on this when I can get photos.

    As posted above, Mega Clover Plus has been a fantastic blend. I didn’t plant a new plot of that blend this year, but my other 2 plots of that blend just keep pulling in deer in droves.

    I’ll post more pics in just a little bit.


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    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12218

    My biggest win for 2019 is all down to Sticker’s convincing me to try low-dose glyphosate on clover plots that were being over-run with weeds.

    I tried 1 ounce per gallon on a Mega Clover Plus plot that was coming up on 4 years old and was infested with sedge grass, which is resistant to clethodim.

    Total victory! The clover looked like hell for 3 weeks, but the grass was all dead. Totally saved the plot. Pictures attached.

    It looks terrific and easily will save this plot from having to be re-done this year and probably next year. A huge win, this will be my go-to method for controlling weeds in older clover plots and it should make 5 year clover plots a reality.

    Thanks to Sticker for sharing his experience with this!


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