Grouse 2023

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Getting close! Nice cool morning up north so I ran the dogs. Not 100 yards from the truck they both got a covey of “chicks” up from in the woods right towards my wife and I. Two landed in the tree next to us and they were so underdeveloped I wouldn’t have shot them during season. Unfortunately we only made it another 1/4 mile before I had to call it. My old pointer is really falling apart but will kill herself to keep hunting. I’m going to miss hunting with her.

    Posts: 3480

    Sad to hear, suzuki. What I did when my older dog couldn’t hunt anymore was hide the birds in the yard when I got home and let her find them. She went to the hunting grounds in the sky last February. Rough day that was.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    My 4 legged hunting partner is 11.5 years old and this will be her 12th season this fall. She is still able to hunt for a few hours, but not in any kind of heat, so I’ll be waiting until its about 50 degrees or cooler before I hit the woods or field this fall with her. She also doesn’t have the endurance she used to and I have to let her rest for a few days in between. But as long as she has the desire, legs, and health I’ll continue to take her with.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    My 4 legged hunting partner is 11.5 years old and this will be her 12th season this fall. She is still able to hunt for a few hours, but not in any kind of heat, so I’ll be waiting until its about 50 degrees or cooler before I hit the woods or field this fall with her. She also doesn’t have the endurance she used to and I have to let her rest for a few days in between. But as long as she has the desire, legs, and health I’ll continue to take her with.

    Are you using Glucosamine or any other joint supplement?

    Posts: 3480

    I give my current 4-year old lab Cosequin that I get from Costco. My vet said start him at age 3-4. He’s been on it for ~1 year. Bedtime treat. The lab I put down in Feb of this year was 13 years and 7 months. She could still run around the yard fairly well when she wanted to. I started her on a joint supplement at ~5 years old cuz I didn’t know about them.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    Are you using Glucosamine or any other joint supplement?

    Yes, I use glucosamine. I don’t know if it helps to be honest though.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    ALMOST HERE!!!! 4 more days! 4 more days!
    With cool morning temps predicted Im going to take the old girl out and see what happens. If my hunt is shortened, oh well. I just hate breaking up the team on my opening day honey hole. Anyone else hitting the opener in Wi and Mn this weekend?

    Posts: 25044

    Suzuki sorry to hear about your old girl. THat is tough. Do you have a younger dog? I am at the point where I need to consider getting a pup as my GSP is getting up there, but with the few times I seem to make it out maybe I take some time off.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    Wish I was, I haven’t gone grouse or pheasant hunting since my lab passed away. Hopefully getting a new pup in the next year or so.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1390

    Just got back from MT with my 10month setter so scratched the itch already. Will be chasing sharpies in the NW this weekend.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I have a younger dog that goes apeshit in the Grouse woods. doah
    She’s got a nose for them but honestly I think she thwarts more shots than she helps. I have no problem hunting Grouse alone. As a matter of fact outside of a couple spots I prefer it. Probably because that’s how I hunted them my whole life. Its just the opposite with Pheasants. I can hardly imagine hunting them without a dog. Ill be chasing Grouse on the north shore in a month dogless and Im looking forward to that. I really want to get back up to north central MN. Its been a few years and I used to hunt there 1-2 times per season.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    Roosters are a lot easier to consistently put in the bag than ruffs are too. Mostly because of the habitat they live in.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1601

    Headed up to St. Louis County Thursday to do some roof repair work and other maintenance at the shack. First year without a dog since 1985, my buddies have good dogs so I’ll be OK until I get a replacement dog in the house.

    Posts: 25044

    Sounds like a quick learner Gitchi! Good luck!

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1893

    Roosters are a lot easier to consistently put in the bag than ruffs are too. Mostly because of the habitat they live in.

    I wish I could say that! I have way more success chasing grouse. For me the big factor is a dog, or lack of one. Also grouse are so much easier for me to access. There’s nearly an unlimited amount of public grouse habitat up north where most of the pheasants in my area are on private ground.

    I’ll get out for a walk or two this weekend. Looks like it’ll be another good year!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    I wish I could say that! I have way more success chasing grouse. For me the big factor is a dog, or lack of one. Also grouse are so much easier for me to access. There’s nearly an unlimited amount of public grouse habitat up north where most of the pheasants in my area are on private ground.

    All you say is true. There is an abundance of quality grouse habitat open to the public in northern MN and WI. However, given the ruckus that a grouse makes when it flushes and all the timber/brush around, most of the time I don’t even get a visual on it lol. I just hear a whirr of wings and look around and that’s it. And when I get a shot off, its a quick snap shot through leaves that’s a prayer.

    When a rooster flushes, its usually in much more open country and they are bigger targets so I can get at least one good shot off, maybe 2.

    I could see a well-trained pointer being an invaluable asset when grouse hunting. It would allow you to get into a good shooting position before the bird flushes.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2851

    How are the numbers this year?

    Posts: 1059

    I have a family wedding in the cities Friday so I won’t be out until I can make it back home up north on Saturday. I guess it could be worse, it could be a wedding on duck opener.

    I live in an area with good grouse habitat and public land right out my back door and I have been seeing way more young ones this summer. Seems like they had a very solid hatch. My dad jumped a group with about 25-30 that could hardly fly about a month ago. I have never heard of clutches that big so I am guessing it was a few families that grouped up.

    Excited to get the dog back out in some decent weather. Teal opener was pretty miserable with the scorching heat.

    Good luck everyone.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Good luck and shoot straight tomorrow! waytogo toast

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3480

    Good luck everyone. Remember, you miss 100% of the shots you dont take

    Posts: 25044

    Id like to get out how are the leaves doing? Still holding strong I am guessing.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Id like to get out how are the leaves doing? Still holding strong I am guessing.

    More leaves, more coveys. Or you can also hunt more evergreen cover. Its really never been a problem for me plus the season is short enough as it is.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1390

    Chased sharpies for an hour tonight. Flushed 11 birds – one covey and some singles. Got one for the pup’s first run in MN. Tomorrow is a full day of it.

    Had family walking the trails in the northwoods. Great ruffed reports from them!! Lots of flushes.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Report: I hunted for 3 miles on my favorite trail Sat morning. Had the place to myself but started a little early. As in first light. Didn’t start getting into birds until on the way back down the same trail I just walked. The brush was THICK. First bird my dog flushed in cover presented a great shot and I rolled it. Unfortunately we couldn’t find it. I spent 20 min looking but it had to have ran.
    The next encounter was a solid point. The cover was thick and I had to beg my dog to leave point and go flush the birds. Still couldn’t see them when they flushed. That’s it for me. The old dog did well. She seemed to know her limitations but could barely walk later that day. Was much better on Sunday morning. She sure loves hunting Grouse.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    GG is Opener winner. Man I wish I had more time to chase them around Minnesota. I miss hunting the premo regions.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    She’s not good at pictures but this bird is all hers. She found it, flushed it and made an incredible 4 foot retrieve after I ran in to stop her from chewing on it! jester
    She flushed 3 others but no shots. They were flushing long this morning.
    Terrible year for me so far. Between the hot weather and being busy I have only got out a couple times.

    1. 20231007_100616-scaled.jpg

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3480

    Nice bird. Beautiful red phase male.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1390

    Got my 3 STG again this morning with the pup. Shot one ruffy too. Been having a good year.

    1. IMG_7561.jpeg

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