GROSS….What is wrong with people!!

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    No sense in pointing the figure of wheel house portable what have you.
    There are slobs all over the ice. In a lot of different shapes and forms.
    Pick up after ourselves and if we see other leaving trash call them out on it.
    All we can really do.

    This topic comes up every year and pretty much the same discussion on who to blame.

    I was not trying to start a pissing match or point the finger at anyone. As someone who’s ice fished for over 40 years, I was simply stating my observation. In those 40+ years of ice fishing ( Mostly out in the open or in a portable ) I can say I’ve only taken 1 dump on the lake in my life ( Into a plastic bag ) that went off the lake with me and was tossed in a proper garbage.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    Many of the lakes I frequent in the open-water season have a trash bin/dumpster and a porta poddy at the access. Yet in the winter, all of those items are removed. So then people have to take their trash/waste with them instead. So naturally in the summer, the problem works itself out. In the winter, not so much.

    Posts: 427

    Resorts don’t need to charge more for access. As already mentioned they’re making a killing already.
    Agate Bay resort on mille lacs charged me $30 for less than 24hrs on their ice road a couple weeks ago. I tried to talk some sense into the greedy a-hole running the place but instead he lost mine and my friends business from now on. I was there on 2 calander days (7pm Friday to 2pm Saturday) so I paid for 2 days….. Im fine with paying for access but it’s getting ridiculous.
    They should treat those RV wheel houses like they do a skid house at the end of the season. Mark their location and license number and return after they’re gone, if they’re is a mess they have a license number to send a very large fine to. Of course this would require substantially more law enforcement on the big lakes.

    May be a dumb question, but has anyone found another access point near an ice road and plowed a new road to connect to said ice road? They can charge you for their access point, but they can’t charge you to drive on “their” road.

    Posts: 2596

    As far as wheelhouses, specifically the ones with internal holding tanks that dump to the outside, I say it’s on the manufacturers and their design. In mine the tank only stays unfrozen as long as I keep the house adequately heated. If I don’t it will freeze up fast. Mine has no tank heaters and I believe they should be mandatory with the build. Owners are fearful of a frozen tank full of their own crap so they dump as they’re leaving, still no excuse. On another note, people who live on lakes get poop bags washing up on shore at ice out. These are not all from wheelhouses.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    There are many people to blame for these issues. I see guys in portables leave as much trash as permanent shacks that came out to party for the weekend. Late ice every year we do a chisago lake clean up and we fill trailers of trash. It’s disgusting. But dumping your sewage tank on the ice is something I haven’t seen before. That is absolutely gross. If I take a duece on the ice or my kids, it’s in a bucket in a bag. And goes home with us. We actually had this talk with a guy on chisago last weekend. He let his dog poop all around the fire brand and just left it. I told him if he didn’t clean it up we would use our shovel and fling it in to his truck.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    We actually had this talk with a guy on chisago last weekend. He let his dog poop all around the fire brand and just left it. I told him if he didn’t clean it up we would use our shovel and fling it in to his truck.

    Did he clean it up? Or did you shovel that sh** on to his truck lol

    Posts: 4802

    This reminds me of the guys opening there black water tank valves and driving down the road in the summer doah

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    This reminds me of the guys opening there black water tank valves and driving down the road in the summer doah

    A few years ago on July 4 at Big Island on Lake Minnetonka about 200 people got violently ill. Normally, a few people get sick there anyways from a case of e-coli, but this was much worse. I don’t know if they definitively ever found the source, but it was believed that one of the large cruisers parked there flushed its portable toilet tank into the water.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    i don’t know that it can be stopped. some of the responsibility can be blamed on the resorts plowing massive roads on UPRL and ML and inviting all the trash from the suburbs up to land their 30k wheelhouses for weeks at a time. evidently $hitting in a bag and throwing it out to freeze is too difficult.

    Posts: 4802

    evidently $hitting in a bag and throwing it out to freeze is too difficult.

    That’s what he do. When we’re done we through them away at the resort dumpster if there is one otherwise bring the bags home and throw in our own dumpster. Pretty simple

    Posts: 508

    dump station in walker at the city park is free and many wheel houses use it, that being said one of the primary reasons no more eel pout is the garbage left on the lake, disgusting, and it is getting worse

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    We actually had this talk with a guy on chisago last weekend. He let his dog poop all around the fire brand and just left it. I told him if he didn’t clean it up we would use our shovel and fling it in to his truck.

    Did he clean it up? Or did you shovel that sh** on to his truck lol

    He cleaned it all up. It wouldn’t have been so bad but the dog literally went from his shack to our front door to drop a bomb. Looked like about 10 times.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    I live next door to a public access and people would use the woods behind my garage as their personal toilet everyday. I complained to the DNR and they put a porta potty there now between May and Aug. They said that is all the budget can afford. However, pretty much every weekend I see guys taking a leak right in the open next to their vehicle less than 20′ from the porta potty. I have two daughters that have to look at that stuff. It is just ridiculous.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    I’m guilty of taking a leak next to the door of my truck any where I am. Grew up that way. Pretty much sums up living in the country.

    Posts: 24658

    I’m guilty of taking a leak next to the door of my truck any where I am. Grew up that way. Pretty much sums up living in the country.

    I pee outside all the time at my house. No sense in flushing that. Plus it gives the dogs multiple targets to pee on. Not that there are any shortages of things for them to go after.

    Posts: 756

    eyeguy507 wrote:
    evidently $hitting in a bag and throwing it out to freeze is too difficult.

    That’s what he do. When we’re done we through them away at the resort dumpster if there is one otherwise bring the bags home and throw in our own dumpster. Pretty simple

    Ditto. It’s not that hard. I even mount a bucket outside the house under the bathroom window. Open window drop bag in bucket. It freezes and we just pack it out with all the other garbage at the end of the trip.

    1. IMG_20210124_120250-scaled.jpg

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    I have no issue peeing outside, however, do you do it right in front of houses that have females outside? Or when there is a porta potty within 10′?

    Posts: 1719

    I think this needs it’s own classification of littering to include wording. “Biological waste”. With one he## of a multiplier on the fine. On public land or water, hit the add button again. May pizz off someone here. But to a lesser extent. The person that spits a big wad of chew on the step going into a store or restaurant, or in the urinal next to a garbage can. That a minimum wage employee has to fish out.

    Posts: 24658

    I have no issue peeing outside, however, do you do it right in front of houses that have females outside? Or when there is a porta potty within 10′?

    Lord no! I live out in the country but have neighbors across the street and next door. I will do it behind the house where no one can see me.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    I have no issue peeing outside, however, do you do it right in front of houses that have females outside? Or when there is a porta potty within 10′?

    No sir, I hide between truck doors typically and I’m going to guess no one would ever guess I’m peeing. I’m the same at home. I take the dog out and whiz out side. Not sure why, old habit I suppose. But I wouldnt point it at any one’s house and let her fly. I hide it pretty good.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Great topic made me think of my time on board a US aircraft carrier , all 4000 of us human waste was jettisoned into the ocean , no holding tanks there. And if we were not scheduled to be in port , bagged garbage would routinely be tossed off the fantail .

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    I take the dog out and whiz out side. Not sure why, old habit I suppose.

    I call that one of “Life’s simple pleasures” !


    tip of the mitten
    Posts: 412

    peeing between your door in a parking lot is gross. I hope that is not what bearcat is referring to when talking about peeing while hidden by his truck door.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    peeing between your door in a parking lot is gross. I hope that is not what bearcat is referring to when talking about peeing while hidden by his truck door.

    I can’t say I have to whiz in parking lots very often. That’s not a typical one.
    But if you take a leak off the side of your boat what’s really the difference. I was more referring to being at a launch with no Porta johns or out on the ice near the woods and so on.
    My point was more to I hide it rather then pee in the open in front of some ones house.

    Posts: 427

    Honestly, peeing outside isn’t going to hurt anything. Urine is sterile. Poop on the other hand is loaded with bacteria and can make people very sick if exposed to “poopy” water.

    Posts: 1719

    Is it ok to pee outside? My brother lives in the Ozarks. Fully enjoyed the 1960s. Like me would own a house without that spot outside. Took his Grandson about 6 kayaking. He had to pee. They were on a remote spot on the river. My brother explained it’s ok to pee outside if no one can see you. Keep in mind his folks are 30 something social climbers that image is everything, living in a gated subdivision with half million-dollar houses. Couple days later, he gets a call from his daughter. See looks out the kitchen window to find her sons new favorite thing is to pee off the top of the jungle gym in the back yard. He tells her Boompa said it’s ok if no one can see you. As she was losing her mind. My brother is rolling on the floor laughing. Best part, my brother is about 40 hours free babysitting and kid hauling a week. So with holding the grand kids isn’t an option. She was in a no-win situation.

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    Im not surprised. coffee
    It’s a sad world we live in where people won’t be responsible for their own waste

    Another situation where more law enforcement is needed. Steep fines and loss of privileges would help keep these disgusting people honest.

    If the gov’t/DEA can seize an RV because junior was caught with a joint in the back, why can’t the DNR seize the ice house like they do boats/trucks/etc on over the limit violations? A steep penalty surely would go a long way in discouraging such behavior.

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    Here’s an idea: Put a seal on the discharge as a condition of using the access. You can’t get off the lake(where you’ll be allowed to dump) without that seal being intact. Add a few bucks to the access fee to pay for the hiring of a monitor and you’re all set. If this fails, I can see a day where the state will step in and do it…..and we all know that when gov’t does it, it aint cheap….or efficient.

    Posts: 4802

    Here’s an idea: Put a seal on the discharge as a condition of using the access. You can’t get off the lake(where you’ll be allowed to dump) without that seal being intact. Add a few bucks to the access fee to pay for the hiring of a monitor and you’re all set. If this fails, I can see a day where the state will step in and do it…..and we all know that when gov’t does it, it aint cheap….or efficient.

    so every landing and resort is gonna have somebody sitting there 24/7 to monitor this? Yea right. The resorts already can’t find enough help and a lot of guys with wheelhouses show up all times of the night

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