green lake report 7/15/07

  • Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    well here goes,

    I had my club tourney today out on green, we found some shorties hiding in the spindle grass in a few areas, the better grass was the heavier matted grass in about 4′ of water with the wind blowing into the weeds. we where tossing 5 and 6 inch stick worms both weightless and weighted texas rigged on 3/0 hooks. we then moved to fish some rock piles, found some fish cruising on top of the rock reefs, tried to back off and blind cast up, but we spooked them and they wouldn’t bite, so we left to let them settle for a little bit, we then moved into a little cut, on the east side of the lake, we found fish along the wooden landscaping, pulled a few nice largies out of there and also under docks. got pounded by sunnies in that area, deffinatley had to feel the right bite. them were also caught on a texas rigged, pumkin stick worm. we then moved to a spot over my the old mill on the north side of the lake, we fished in the little lagoon there, we pulled some fish from under the docks and also out from under the water fall, I caught 5 fish out from under there, the owner of the place kicked us out of there, but not before I pulled a 3 pound 6 oz smallie from under there. we then went and fished the docks right there and managed a few more shorties, I hit my 2nd 3 pound 6 oz smallie right after that. I managed 4 fish, 2 and 2 for a whopping 9 pounds 4 ounces.

    other guys in the club managed to catch some nice sized smallies on baby flukes drop shotted, stick worms, outkast fries, and a few other that I forgot after the 2 hour ride back home. most of the fish was caught in 4 to 9 feet of water. look for the smaller rocks, not pee gravel but the smaller rockes, also look for rock humps that come out of 5 or 6 feet of water up to 3′ FOW. toss your lure up into them areas without cruizing up there and spooking the fish, slowly work them areas and you should see fish, remember, the first smallie that bites is going to be the smallest one, also if you have more fish following that fish to the boat, you will not catch the ones that see you. you can let them rest for a few minuets and then come back to them and see if you can pull the bigger ones.

    hopefully this will help everyone out in the next few days down there. oh by the way, the big fish for the day was a 4 pound 6 ounce smallie caught on a drop shot with a baby fluke in 12 to 15 FOW.


    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    way to go on Green lake. I really think SM are all over the lake, just got to get them to go…
    We’ll talk soon.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4070

    Good report Shane! Sounds like you put some miles on, but its not hard to do with so much structure out there.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    didn’t put on a whole lot of miles, mostly stayed to the north and east side, only used a 1/2 tank of gas in the boat. it was a nice day on the water, kind of wierd with the wind blowing in hte morning and then laying down around noon and picking up again in the after noon. alot of nice fish where caught, just wanted to post this up so you all could have a better idea on what was working for us to catch them piggies.


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