Green Bay/Peshtigo/Oconto conditions?

  • curleytail
    Posts: 674


    Planning to head to the Green Bay area to fish walleyes in the general Peshtigo, Oconto area, or maybe even on Green Bay if it’s open and the wind allows.

    Just sending a feeler out there for general conditions in that area. Any melting starting down there yet? How are the rivers looking? Any rough predictions about when a guy might want to think about making the trip down?

    I imagine it’s not near time yet just trying to start planning ahead as much as I can. Up in Hayward it’s still pretty winter like out, but I have seen some warmer average temps down that way so thought it might be time to start paying attention in the next couple weeks.

    Thanks for any info you are willing to provide.


    Posts: 674

    Thanks Jon. Looks pretty locked up, and the forecast looks like there won’t be much for heavy melting any time soon.

    Does anybody have info on the Peshtigo, or is there a way to check satellite images? I see people occasionally post what look like satellite images, but don’t know where to find something that shows up to date images.



    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1739

    They’ve been hammering ‘eyes on the Fox for about ten days to two weeks now. I am hoping for a trip to Oconto as soon as ice off occurs this year!!!


    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Looking at EOSDIS for yesterday, it looks like it’s starting to open up in green bay at the river.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Most of the action on the fox has been the smaller eyes that were in there all winter. A few, but no many big girls yet. Based on the full moon at the end of the month and counting moon phases, I would expect this to be a late spawn

    Posts: 18

    I have a trip planned starting April 5 for the bay, fingers crossed it’ll be open by then. We’ll see

    Posts: 3

    Long time listener, first time caller here. Looking to try Green Bay this weekend. Have only fished out there twice before out of Oconto. Anyone have any success in University Bay this time of year? I know the Oconto and Peshtigo area will be extremely busy this weekend. I’m in search of some fish to eat, not really looking for a trophy. I’d appreciate any suggestions. My plan as of now is to troll flicker shads (hot new technique I heard of). lol

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