Managed to find some fishable ice in southern WI today, 3+ inches of good clear ice. Started out strong using a shrimpo with either a blue tail or a bubblegum trigger x tail. Had 15 nice gills and 1 crappie on the ice in 2.5hrs, then it was the dead sea……. Marked only 4 more fish in the next 1.5hrs between all the holes I drilled and decided to pack it up. Walking back in, I decided to see if I could mark any fish with the LX6 thru the ice as there was now an inch of water on the ice (warmed up to 45F). Started marking fish right away thru the ice so I popped a few new holes and finished out my limit.
Its been 25yrs since I have been able to get on the ice this early in the season, normally still chasing walleyes and saugers on Lake WI yet, but that locked up last weekend. Guess I’m OK with that after an early ice limit of panfish