Grass question for lawn guys…

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19406

    Lawn Nuts,
    I have blotches of a different type of grass popping up all over my yard (picture attached) the past several years and they seem to be getting bigger every year. Does anybody know what they are and the best way to remove/kill them so I can put normal grass seed down and get my entire lawn all the same type again?

    1. IMG_7422-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 24516

    Very interesting looking. Cannot say I have ever seen that before, but wondering what it could be? Almost looks like perhaps you have a fungus or something vs different breed of grass growing?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18702

    Ya that’s a new one for me too. Maybe check the soil underneath to see if you can spot anything unusual.

    Posts: 5125

    Can you take a closer picture of it before you mow? Likely one of the weeds in the background or a more dominant fescue is taking over.

    Does a standard weed killer like Ortho Weedclear do anything to it?

    Posts: 19406

    I need to mow later today and will get a closer picture beforehand…

    Jake D
    Watertown, SD
    Posts: 599

    My guess would be Quack Grass. Best thing would be to kill it otherwise it will take over

    Posts: 24516

    I have never seen quack grass or crab grass look like that. Generally it grows much faster than regular grass. This just looks weird which makes me think he has a soil issue or some infestation like mold or other fungus.

    Posts: 4339

    Aliens potty spots.

    Posts: 19406

    Aliens potty spots.

    oh I have those courtesy of our Cavapoo puppy…just not visible in that picture… )

    Posts: 24516

    Just throwing this out there, but I bet its a green sunfish.

    Posts: 19406

    I have never seen quack grass or crab grass look like that. Generally it grows much faster than regular grass. This just looks weird which makes me think he has a soil issue or some infestation like mold or other fungus.

    yeah, not thinking its Quack grass as it doesn’t get much taller than in the picture…i’ll pull some of the blades up in a closer picture later today, its a very soft type of grass to the touch…

    Posts: 19406

    Very interesting Joe!

    yeah, i’m clueless…only yard treatment I use is Melorganite applications 3 times a season…

    Posts: 74

    It’s rough bluegrass. If your lawn is too wet (this year it is) then it can spread. It doesnt like dry conditions, at least compared to normal kentucky bluegrass. I gave up removing it since it seems to choke off my other weeds and I’d rather spend time fishing than taking care of my lawn anymore. I tried pulling/shoveling it out but that didn’t remove it completely. Glyphosate might be better to eliminate it.

    Posts: 24516

    Good info rootwo! I googled it and I found this info you could possibly check Joe to determine if it is indeed what he is saying: One way to distinguish them is to examine the root structures: rough bluegrass has stolons (above ground) and Kentucky bluegrass has rhizomes (below ground). Another way to distinguish between them is that rough bluegrass has a long, pointed membranous ligule and Kentucky bluegrass has a short, even membranous ligule.

    Posts: 19406

    It’s rough bluegrass. If your lawn is too wet (this year it is) then it can spread. It doesnt like dry conditions, at least compared to normal kentucky bluegrass. I gave up removing it since it seems to choke off my other weeds and I’d rather spend time fishing than taking care of my lawn anymore. I tried pulling/shoveling it out but that didn’t remove it completely. Glyphosate might be better to eliminate it.

    Thanks all!

    Posts: 567

    I have this same thing and only pops up on mole mounds / gopher hills after I take them out. It grows faster on the exposed dirt than your regular grass and the round circles are the result for me.

    Posts: 19406

    Close up picture

    1. IMG_7424-scaled.jpeg

    jim Van Schoick
    Posts: 20

    I have a feature on my phone called Lens, take a picture and let Lens search what it is

    Not sure if it will work but worth a try

    Posts: 19406

    I think we narrowed it down to Rough Bluegrass…I just wanted to post a picture of it close up…

    Posts: 128

    The other culprit that came to mind is creeping bentgrass.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1281

    Northern California Sensimilla

    Apply some manganese.


    South metro
    Posts: 544

    Northern California Sensimilla

    Apply some manganese.


    Northern California Sensemilia. The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on this stuff.

    Karl Hungus
    Carver County, Minnesota
    Posts: 216

    Good call Mr. Spackler…

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