Now that hockey season for me is over I will have much anticipated time on the ice for the next month. This weekend I was able to sit in my spear house for some much needed quiet time albeit the northerns and panfish I had seen a few weeks last time I was out were not around it was still enjoyable and I saw a few fish. Now that spearing is over I will be search and destroying panfish for the next month.
The panfish/Perch bite on Pokegama is just starting and a few spots are accessible by vehicle and other spots are accessible by snowmobile only. Some of the smaller lakes such as the Big and Little Splithand have been pretty constant and are only accessible by Snowmobile. The perch bite on Winnie is picking up but to get the good bites you will need a snowmobile. I have a tip on a few other lakes in the area I need to check out before I report and hopefully will be able to get to them this weekend to get in on the action. Rest assure I will be on Pokegama this week after work destroying some gills and crappies. If you have some time this weekend come check out the annual perch jerk on Lake Pokegama prizes and cash will be handed out and a big celebration afterwards at the Dutchroom in Grand Rapids always a good time and great event for all.
I will have a better detailed report for you on panfish later in the week as I have two planned outing afterwork and possibly a third if I don’t head to Duluth to watch Section Finals Hockey Game. Until then Good Luck Fishing to all and slay some slabs!!!