You have got to be kidding me…

  • mike_leclaire
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412

    So after last weekends debacle with a guy coming to our fishing spot and feverishly sorting through our pile to see how we were doing; we showed up to the spear house on Sunday to find a truck parked next to our spear house and his fish house set about 50 yrds away. Now this would have been a big deal but the guy set a tip up about 20 feet from our fish house door. Now, this I believe was a different guy from last weekend by the vehicle that was parked next to our fish house. Seriously who has the nerve to put a tip-up 20 feet from someone fish house door. The spot we are on is a smaller sunken island in the middle of the lake with only one other permanent fish house on it. Its not like we are sitting on a spot the size of a truck. This time my buddy however had had enough and parked his truck over the tip-up to make a point. Sure enough within five minutes the guy was packed up and out of there. Albeit I have had enough of that spot and am moving the fish house to a different spot hopefully there will be some more respectful fisherman where we next move the house. I guess if they want the fish that are out there that bad they can have them, I just can’t believe we had to experience two accounts of disrespect two weekends in a row.

    Maybe I did something to urine off the fishing gods…

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 60

    I had a problem like that yesterday in Bay Point Harbor in Red Wing,MN. A guy with a wheel house had his house and truck right in next to my house!? I heard the auger start in his shack and he was drilling partcial holes. He than moved his shack and truck about 50ft away. He doddled around for a wihle so i mover my truck so he could get near my shack. It wasnt like i was right on a small spot like you said. The whole bay is all the same depth. Why cant people just be more respectfull. I felt a little rude but I was there for about 1.5 months.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13380

    That is a typical day fishing in the metro.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12543


    That is a typical day fishing in the metro.

    Thats what I was going to say. Some spots on some lakes there is not a way to set a tipup more than 20 ft from someones door.. Just the way it is in the metro. Most house owners are use to it.

    Garrison, MN
    Posts: 44

    I am not trying to ruffle any feathers here. However, lots of permanent/spear houses are put out on the lake and they feel that spot is claimed. Nothing is claimed except the legal distance that people need to be away from your house and by the sounds of it he was far enough away. And he didn’t know how long it is going to be before you returned to your fish house. Maybe a day, hour, week? Who knows. Sometimes these things need to be looked at from the others point of view. Maybe he would have moved the tip up if you would have asked when you arrived. Who knows? Just my 2 cents.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412

    Don’t get me wrong I fished where you are basically fishing within in an arms length to total strangers because that is where the fish. There are a few spots on the lake where there are a lot of houses really close together, I have fished there and it is a small little area where the fish are located so that is understandable. We are talking about a sunken island that is 100 yrds long by 50 yards wide with only two fish houses on the whole thing no one else around. I could have cared less if he put the tip-up on the other side of the house but seriously who puts the tip-up right outside someones door. Now if he was fishing 20 feet from my door I could have cared less but he was a good 50 yrds from the fish house. Sorry I maybe a little nit picky but out respect with that much open water put your tip-up somewhere else. I am just going to move the house to a different area; its a big lake and there are plenty of other spots.

    Eric Ahlstrom
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 137

    In the Twin Cities or any lake packed with people is one thing… I can understand that. To be on a lake outside of the metro and have almost no one else on the lake and to have that happen is a whole different story.

    Posts: 7348


    That is a typical day fishing in the metro.

    And in the summer its water skiers 20′ away, now that will really set you off!

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 60



    That is a typical day fishing in the metro.

    And in the summer its water skiers 20′ away, now that will really set you off!

    Yeah one Fourth Of July weekend a guy was intertubing in front of the no wake with a pontoon. There were probably 75 boats around. That was just crazy

    Posts: 155

    As someone who hasn’t used a permanent shack, I am curious to know what distance is required by law (as mentioned by one of the posters)? Since I fish in the open or from a portable tent, I want to stay on the legal side of this issue.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 304

    I fish 20 feet from folks often enough. Not on a big wide open lake though. Does not matter to me whether another person comes within 20 feet of my spot… after all, we’re all fishing down an hole and not like anyone is casting or crossing lines. We have good conversations.

    I think you might be a bit sensitive. How did you mark your perimeter to advise him how much real estate you required?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I can side with Mike on this. Like he said, it would be different if the guy didn’t set up a flag and then go 74.99 yards away and fish.

    Remember, you must be within 75 yards of your gear. How do I know? Our grandma used to throw a sucker out on a line and then pin it to the clothesline leaving it unattended. She did this repeatedly, despite getting tickets from the local COs who knew her by name.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412


    I fish 20 feet from folks often enough. Not on a big wide open lake though. Does not matter to me whether another person comes within 20 feet of my spot… after all, we’re all fishing down an hole and not like anyone is casting or crossing lines. We have good conversations.

    I think you might be a bit sensitive. How did you mark your perimeter to advise him how much real estate you required?

    Like I said if he would have set up next to my house I wouldn’t have cared; I probably would have asked how he was doing and started a conversation, but to leave a tip-up outside my door and then set up 50 yrds away is a little ridiculous, again he could have set the tip-up 20 feet to the left, right or behind my I could care less but right outside the door really…

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12543


    As someone who hasn’t used a permanent shack, I am curious to know what distance is required by law (as mentioned by one of the posters)? Since I fish in the open or from a portable tent, I want to stay on the legal side of this issue.

    Must be 10 Ft away per the DNR Reg. book.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12543


    I can side with Mike on this. Like he said, it would be different if the guy didn’t set up a flag and then go 74.99 yards away and fish.

    Remember, you must be within 75 yards of your gear. How do I know? Our grandma used to throw a sucker out on a line and then pin it to the clothesline leaving it unattended. She did this repeatedly, despite getting tickets from the local COs who knew her by name.

    ICE ANGLING and spearing
    General Regulations
    • Two lines may be used through the ice (other than on designated trout
    lakes and streams).
    • Ice anglers must remain within sight of their lines or within 200 feet of
    their tip-up.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    ICE ANGLING and spearing
    General Regulations
    • Two lines may be used through the ice (other than on designated trout
    lakes and streams).
    • Ice anglers must remain within sight of their lines or within 200 feet of
    their tip-up.

    I stand corrected. 66 Yards.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12543



    ICE ANGLING and spearing
    General Regulations
    • Two lines may be used through the ice (other than on designated trout
    lakes and streams).
    • Ice anglers must remain within sight of their lines or within 200 feet of
    their tip-up.

    I stand corrected. 66 Yards.

    Did not want anyone to get tagged while standing 74.99 Yards away and have to say it was OK because Mplspug said so.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    LOL thanks for looking out for me.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412

    [quote • Ice anglers must remain within sight of their lines or within 200 feet of
    their tip-up.

    All this time I was just going by the within sight rule, guess I need to keep reading the fine print…Guess I don’t need to bring the spotting scope out to the lake to keep an eye on my tip-ups anymore…

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