Well my daughter decided it was her weekend to call the shots (much like any other weekend); so bluegill fishing was the call Friday Evening. It took us a few moves around a point with submerged vegetation in Tioga Bay and we finally found the the fish in 6 to 12 FOW. A 1/64 oz feathered jig head with a small leech and a slip bobber was our set up. Although I don’t think the slip bobber was needed as my daughter caught most of the fish right over the boat about 3 ft down before the bobber could stop.
We fish for a couple of hours and kept enough for a nice meal of fish. Enough fish were caught to keep the interest of my 6 yr old before she decided it was too hot at 8:00 pm and it was time to go swimming.
Saturday, was a swimming day for the better part before she decided we needed to go fishing. This is the part where I believe I was the envy of every guy on the beach with his kids; as she announced that we had enough swimming for the day and we need to go some fish for dinner. Now, how can you say “No we aren’t going fising” to a 6yr old girl.
So off we went to a different point down Sherry’s Arm, same setup as the day before this time though the fish were little bigger and much hungrier. In a matter of an 1 1/2 we must have caught around 100 bluegills, my hands had become wrinkled from the number of fish I had taken off.
Sometimes I forget how much fun it is to put the walleye rods away for a day or two and get back to the basics. I am not sure who had more fun catching fish her or I. All in all it was a blast and nothing beats watching the smiles on your child’s face as she reels in fish after fish screaming and giggling the whole time.
If you are out targeting panfish on Lake Pokegama or any lake for that matter, I like to look for these type of submerged weeds when the weather gets hot in any where from 6 to 15 ft of water; Potamogeton (I call them crappy weeds, picture below). In my experience this type of weed bed holds nicer bluegills. Have fun fishing with your kids!!!