Lake Pokegama 7/11/2011

  • mike_leclaire
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412

    Went out for 2 hours tonight after work and was searching for walleyes on a few deep water humps I haven’t checked this year, 3 of the 4 humps I checked were holding some nice schools, but they were reluctant to bite on rigs with leeches and crawlers. I will be going back again tomorrow to see if I can get them to go on some jigging raps or rattle traps.

    Surface temps tonight were 81 degrees it was like bath water out there tonight. Hopefully a consistent south wind the next few days will finally wash some fish on the Lighted Stairs this week which is one of my favorite summer spots, but I haven’t marked a fish out there all season thus far.

    I plan on seeing if the crank bite is as good as they say it is tomorrow night I will let you know how I do.

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