Grandpa's Only

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Hey all you Grandpa’s out there.
    I’m going to be a first time Grandparent in March, my Daughter is having a Boy. Yay, I can hardly wait!!!
    My question is what, how and whom decides what they should call you?

    I’m kinda liking “old man” if I had my choice.

    Minnetrista, MN
    Posts: 57

    I really like being called Papa.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3142

    Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, are you going to let social media decide that for you?

    Your grandson will address you in what ever manner you wish to be addressed, if you insist he does. Isn’t that what everyone expects for themselves? Or if you really don’t care, just respond to what ever they call you. Some folks like “nicknames”, others like “given names”, but ultimately it is up to you. Usually it works itself out but if you have a preference you will need to speak up.

    Posts: 3915

    Congrats EPG !!!!
    my three grandsons call me papa and depending on what the little sn!ts have gotten into I call them all sorts of things ( not really but I sure would like to somedays lol).

    IMO its up to you,if you are old school and want to be called grandpa nothing wrong with that,gramps,pops,papa,etc.
    old man??? isnt that what Mrs. EPG calls you these days?? lol lol

    Posts: 1748

    Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, are you going to let social media decide that for you?

    Your grandson will address you in what ever manner you wish to be addressed, if you insist he does. Isn’t that what everyone expects for themselves? Or if you really don’t care, just respond to what ever they call you. Some folks like “nicknames”, others like “given names”, but ultimately it is up to you. Usually it works itself out but if you have a preference you will need to speak up.

    well said…..

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17389

    I’m Grandpa or Grandpa Brian.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    I’m Grandpa.

    And I’m here to tell you that being Grandpa is by far the best job I’ve ever had.


    Tom Albrecht
    Eau Claire
    Posts: 547

    What’s wrong with simply Eelpout Guy?

    My mom’s parents were Grandma and Grandma B and my dad’s were Grandma and Grandpa A.

    SW Michigan
    Posts: 694

    When my first grandchild was born I felt I was too young to be called Grandpa so he started calling me Papa.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4333

    All of mine call me Papa.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    Not a grandparent and both my kids are saying they aren’t going to have kids. They’re still kids yet, so they don’t really know maybe.

    Their grandpa goes by Boppa universally by all 9 grandchildren. My father was known as Grandpa Gary. We called his dad Grandpa as a kid, but later Melvin, mostly because Grandma Alice was always yelling that at him for any reason and it finally stuck with us cousins. He was a quiet individual, she was not. Both my mother’s parents passed away when she was in her late teens, so I never got a chance to meet those grandparents.

    My wife’s were known as Gamper and Grandpa Bob.

    Posts: 959

    Congrats !

    Grandkids are the payback we get for putting up with raising our own kids.

    Mine call me “Grandpa Thomas”. It just happened and wasn’t planned as far as I know.

    So a week or so ago …..the 3 yr old grandson is on my couch with his mother (our daughter) watching Paw Patrol. My wife turns the volume down to mess with him. He looks at grandma and then straight to his mother and bellers out “mom, tell grandma not to be an as$hole!” I nearly lost it but manage to ask “is grandma being an as$hole?”

    He looks right at her and says “YES!”

    I busted out laughing and told him that grandpa owes you Dairy Queen for that one!

    Posts: 813

    I really like being called Papa.

    I second this. Love it when my little girl whispers under her breath “papa”. Very easy and simple for them to say also.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Try Great Grandpa.

    Kurt Turner
    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 582


    Congrats! Best experience, ever!

    From my 3 generation experience. It’s something you just have to let develop versus control..

    Sit back, relax & learn to see child development from an entire different view versus parenting.

    Enjoy, every single moment. Names will evolve from things like bopa to Gramps or fill in the blank.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Congrats EPG!! yay I know we talked about this a couple years ago and you mentioned you weren’t sure, but hopeful.

    I have 7 now, with #8 due in May.

    I never had any say or even preference on what they called me. Seems like it plays out according to the mom, because the mom is great for speaking on behalf of the baby when the baby can’t talk yet. Mom will say (speaking as if she was the baby talking) “hi papa” or “hi grandpa”…thankfully I haven’t heard “hi fat old man” lol

    And one more thing, careful what you say around the little fella. You don’t want him running around as a 3 year old saying things like “tell grandma not to be an as$hole”… shock

    Rush City MN
    Posts: 842

    Congratulations. My granddaughter used to call me Bumpa.

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    Congrats EPG. My little man has called me Boo ever since he started talking. LOL Totally his call and I couldn’t care less what HE decides to call me. He has been a lesson in love the whole 5 years he has been alive. I am truly blessed !

    I will second whoever said you need to watch what you say around your grandkids. I’d almost swear that kid remembers stuff I said when he was still in his mother womb sometimes. Hahahaha

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Congrats EPG!!!

    Of the 4 I have only 2 can talk so far and they call me Grandpa because that is what their parents taught them.

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    Congrats, I’m grandpa D. After he gets older you will find that you will do more things than you would have done and you will love doing it with him. Enjoy!!!!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    When my first grandchild was born I felt I was too young to be called Grandpa so he started calling me Papa.

    Thank you. Best reason ever to be called Papa!!

    Congrats EPG!

    Posts: 346

    Congrats on your first. Grand kids are the greatest. Start thinking of setting aside that grand kid room in the house with all the toys, non gender specific as they pretty much play with them all when young. Also start planning on the electric cars, bikes, kiddie cat, snoopy poles etc, everything you can spoil them with. A couple of snoopy poles might end up in the water. We have taken a piece of string to tie the pole to life jacket. Saves my wife from jumping in to retrieve.

    I am at 7 grand kids with 5 girls now under the age of 5 with the last two under two months. At first they just try there best at papa but might come out at baba, b is easier than p. Then just migrate to grandpa or when they get older maybe mustache man as my 9 year old grandson now refers to me.

    Enjoy – enjoy

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Congrats EPG! Unless you have something you really want to be called I think the kid will get to choose. Personally I think EelpoutPapa has a nice ring to it…

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 540

    Congrats EPG! How about Papa Corona?

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    Bapa. 5 Granddaughters have never called me anything else. Wouldn’t change it for the world.



    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Sorry, not a Grandpa but congratulations Eelpout. Hopefully he won’t call you the same thing I call you.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    Congratulations EPG. toast

    My dad is “The Old Man” and my wife’s father was Pappa John. I don’t have grandchildren yet, but I do look forward to someday having them. My 22 year old is too career focused and my 12 year old is a ways away.

    I will say this. If you can, keep them as far away from tablets and phones as possible. I have 2 nieces, 2 years and 3 years old and that’s all they ever want. It really amazes me how dependent on their phones people have become. And how quickly they let young children have those things for hours.

    Rick Janssen
    Posts: 342

    Congrats – since both of my Grandkids also have their other grandparents close by we did want to get things confused. My wife and I are Nana and Papa and the others are Grandma and Grandpa. I like papa so I think I won out on that deal. As I am typing this, I am looking at a photo of them in a frame that says I “heart” PAPA -)

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Thanks everyone!
    bigpike, I like it and I’m thinking to shortening it and going with Pappy. toast

    It will be discussed at the Thanksgiving table this year.

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