Gracie,Iowaboys GSP 9-2003 – 2-2019

  • Iowaboy1
    Posts: 3950

    Gracie,a GSP and my faithful companion of twelve years has returned to her Creator today.
    I am thankful for each and every second of her life with me.
    she was four years old when I got her,she had been abandoned due to unfortunate circumstances in her former masters life.

    I am amazed to this day how she laid claim on me the very first time I met her and it only took about a minute.
    we had met up with friends from Appleton Wis that we hunted with here near my home every year at a truck stop in Platteville Wis as that was half way for each of us and they brought Gracie with them.
    I had tossed the ball for her and asked her what she thought of coming to live with me,upon returning the ball and laying it at my feet she did a big circle around me,trotted hard up to me and swatted my right leg with her entire rear end hips and all.
    my friend Don said thats incredible,she owns you now and that is her way of saying so.

    our journey through life together began at that moment and it has been nothing but fun and thousands of great memories have been created in that time.
    today my heart aches as I am reminded of all of those great memories not only of her,but the many fantastic dogs I have hunted with over the years and now its her turn to meet up with them,and all of them waiting to guide me home when its my turn.
    I want you to understand in the beginning of my tribute to her,I mention her rescuing me,that is because I had just gotten my life back after being housebound for three years thanks to a chemical injury that left me severely allergic to almost everything known to mankind including several foods.
    the insecticides destroyed a part of my brain that left me without the ability to know what happy is and means and still fight to this day,Gracie did her very best to remind me daily that happy is living even if that was all there is,for that I am eternally grateful.
    the ending of my tribute is telling her Creator that when He happens to be grilling something tasty in heaven that those are her favorite things and how she prefers them,trying to save Him some trouble ya know !

    for any of you that have GSP’s in your life,you know what kind of energy they have,you know what kind of a pita in they can be when they take the hankering to do so.
    they are loving,playful,loyal without end,they make you laugh,they make you cry,they protect you and any child that is in your house,Gracie even let us know when a grandsons diaper needed changed before we knew it,what a look on her face that was!! they are fearless,and lastly,they can break your heart when their time comes,she has turned my heart of stone into a pile of mush.
    for all dog lovers,cherish every second with them,they deserve it as they give you their all every second of every day.
    Gracie is kind of a record setter I guess,in talking to my vet,she has lived the longest of any GSP he has ever known,almost sixteen years !!!

    I offer no apology for this being long winded and its only a brief glimpse of what she has meant to me.

    RIP Gracie,here’s to you, thank you for all of your love,may your heaven be filled with millions of acres of tall grass and roosters without end,and a pond to swim in to cool off in.
    thank you God for trusting me with your pet these last twelve years.
    so,with that,here is my tribute to Gracie,its title is,I hope you think well of me old friend.

    you rescued me when you were only four,
    already trained and house broke,
    with many roosters we had to even the score,

    we had to make up for lost time,
    as you had been abandoned,
    left to fend for your own,
    I am sorry you had to endure that crime,

    home with me you came,
    lucky you,
    we both shared a passion,
    hunting was our game !

    your nose to the ground,
    looking for that rooster,
    that would fall to my next round,

    on to the next bird and the excitement of the flush,
    its what made us feel alive,
    it made living in the moment a rush,

    the statuesque held points and the head held high retrieves,
    damn it Gracie,being liver and tic,
    you sure were hard to find in the tall grass and leaves,

    at the end of the hunt and too tired to play,
    on my lap your head rests,
    sleep well my friend you are the champion of the day,

    when not hunting you showed who was boss,
    you would not answer my call,
    you would give me that haughty look and your head you would toss,

    trotting out of sight,
    and there I stood,
    screaming at you with all my might,

    you have cost me thousands over these years
    worth every penny and what I have to do today,
    brings me to tears.

    you have been worth a hundred fold to me,
    your voice is gone and your walk lame,
    those old eyes I know they see,
    many fond memories and I the same,

    your body I nor vets can mend,
    what I have to do today crushes me,
    I hope you think well of me old friend.

    thank you Lord for trusting me with your pet,
    the love she gave,
    is something I will never forget.

    forgive me if it was a sin,
    to sneak her something from the grill,
    her begging always made me grin,

    sixteen years doesnt seem fair,
    oh,and Lord,
    she likes her chicken raw,
    and her steaks medium rare.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11136

    I’m very sorry for your loss my Friend.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    Losing a good dog is one of the hardest things we have to get through, wish they would live longer. Beautiful heartfelt tribute it does Gracie proud.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    Very sorry Sheldon! It is very tough no matter how well you had prepared for it.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5591

    Wow, 16 years. I can only hope by boys will live that long. Very nice tribute to honor Gracie. GSPs are indeed full of an energy that can be overwhelming, but it’s equally matched by their devotion and love. I’m thankful for every day that Fritz and Remi slobber on my clothes, lick my eye, fuss up my hair while we snuggle, and nearly knock me over when they just want to be next to me no matter what room I’m in (including the bathroom!) I have no idea how we humans got so lucky to be loved by such wonderful animals like dogs, but I’m sure glad I get to share my life with them. Rest in peace, Gracie, and if you see my husband’s family dog Charlie up there (yellow lab) tell him we all still miss him and we can still smell his wet dog smell.

    Posts: 6259

    What a tribute Iowaboy, thank you for sharing. I was just thinking this week how lucky I am to have Cash my gsp for 1 year soon. He also came into my life quite suddenly in time of need and we are very close after only 1 year. God bless your lost friend and God bless you. Hang in there. Thank you for sharing part of your life with us. And thank you for your contributions around the IDO web site

    Posts: 811

    A very nice and heart-felt tribute iowaboy, Sorry for your loss.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5755

    Oh Sheldon I’m sorry for your loss. Sharon’s right, we’re lucky to have dogs around to reminds of what is important, and of how many things are unimportant. Take care.


    St.Paul, Mn
    Posts: 291

    I am sorry for your loss. May you find peace in where she is today.
    I have 2 cats and when that day comes I will miss them as much as you already miss Cracie.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Sheldon, im at a loss of words. So tough as our dogs are our best friend.
    I was in an accident last night. Young girl blew a stop sign. Ruger my lab went over the seat and slammed into me and the windshield. All day has been anxiety if I need to get him into the vet. Amazing how close we get to our dogs. I listed him as my passenger on the insurance claim. Sheriff and the insurance agent understood.

    Best wishes Sheldon

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    You let me on to knowing all way not well with Gracie a week ago so I have been wondering…..

    So sorry for your loss Sheldon. Prayers to you to heal quickly and to Gracie in her journey above and beyond.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2027

    Sorry to hear Sheldon.
    Yes, they are a huge part of the family and things are always quieter around the house without them.

    Take care

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    So many of us have been there and felt that loss…

    For many years I lived alone other than my dog Sadie. It was just Sadie and me…

    …so hard to say goodbye to the only one to love me when I came home. bawling

    Share some pics of Gracie, it helps your soul to celebrate her life!

    1. fl.png

    2. DSCN0054.jpg

    Posts: 3950

    thanks to each and everyone of you for your thoughts and prayers.
    Randy,good grief !! hope you both are okay !!

    it is times like these where it is good to have like minded friends,know that each of you are appreciated.
    I am sure that Gracie by now has met up with my faithful lab Sam who I had to put down four or five years ago,man what a team those two made !!
    then there is Rowdy,Hunter,Sage,Hawk,Zeke,Ashley,Abby,Snickers,Jigs,Moses,Joshua,Tess,Zach
    Trai,Jasper,all dogs I have either hunted over or had as pets.
    they ranged from labs,GSP’s,Springers,Jack Russel terriers,and of course a few mutts.

    when its my turn to join up with them all,I am going to get licked and mauled to no end by all of them at once,and I can imagine all of the yipping going on when they see me cross over to where they are.

    here ya go Andy,I have a picture somewhere of Sam,Gracie,and me with a limit of roosters the first year Gracie came into my life,I will see if I can find it.

    1. pouting-Gracie.jpg

    2. Gracie-hoping-the-pheasants-arent-drowned-out.jpg

    Posts: 2729

    Every word speaks volumes about the relationship. So sorry to hear.

    One solace is you gave her not only your home, but your heart as well. Most dogs are not so fortunate.

    Hopefully time heals.

    My owner is Tes, a German wirehaired griffon who’s 14, uff dah. Every day is a gift.

    Wonderful tribute!

    Posts: 2872

    I am so sorry to hear about Gracie.I know how tough it is.I just lost my pup 2 months ago.I thought your tribute to her was deserving of a Pulitzer.It’s tough to say goodby but we know we have to do what’s best for our friend.Once again sorry for your loss Sheldon. RIP Gracie.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    That’s never easy to deal with. Sorry for your loss. RIP Gracie!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6160

    Wonderful tribute. Sorry for your loss…. bawling


    Posts: 9325

    Sorry for your loss. That was a nice tribute.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4402

    So sorry for your loss Sheldon. Dogs leave paw prints on our hearts. It is a shame that they don’t live longer. A very great tribute to Gracie. RIP Gracie.

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