When I purchased the chip for my 898 last year I was told by the guy at Scheels that you could update for $50 or so when a new chip came out. Does any one know if that is the case and if not why not? It’s a pretty raw deal if you have to start again from scratch. It might give me second thoughts about getting the countour pro elite.
That’s not accurate info. Lakemaster doesn’t typically offer a standardized upgrade program on their GPS mapping chips.
You can however sell the chip you have on Craigslist or IDO classifieds and get a good price for it as the demand for year old chips is quite high.
Can you get it done so you can jump to the newer chip for $50? I’ve typically been able to make the upgrades for less than that. So, the salesman might not have given you the best advice but you do have a way to get it done.